Escaping his trap

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We sat there for around fifteen minutes until Victor got up and set me down on the bed again. He walked over to a closet and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans for. Only then did I realize that I was full on naked. I yelped and blushed as I grabbed the blanket covered my body. Victor looked at me and bursted out laughing only causing me to blush even more.
"Here, put these on." He hands me the clothes and I take them caughtiously. He walked out of the room leaving me there. I slowly get up out of bed and put the clothes he gave me on. I walk to the door to see if it's locked and find that it's not. I open the the door slowly and step out into the hallway. I walk to the stairs and see that no body is around. I walk down the stairs  and go straight for the front door. I went to open it but sadly find it locked.
"And where do you think you're going. May I remind you about last night. Would you like to be punished?"
I jumped as he started speaking. I turned around finding him standing next to the stair case with his arms folded.
"Y-you can't keep me here you know."
I felt a pool of fear form inside as Victor walked up to me slowly. He put his hands on either side of me trapping me between him and the door. He grabbed my face pulling into a forceful kiss. I find myself moaning into the kiss unconsciously. Why am i reacting this way to him? I feel his hand reached down and grope my half hard dick. This brought me back to reality and I shoved Victor away as hard as I could. He chuckled ad j ran and tripped falling face first into the ground.
Victor came over tk help me up but I refused tk let him.
"Don't touch me you asshole!" He just looked at me before yanking up off the ground.
"Hey! I said don't touch me! Let me go you dickface!!"
He dragged me into the living room and sat in a chair before pulling me over his lap.
"We need to fix this potty mouth of yours don't we." He pulled my pants and underwear down as I yelped and tried to squirm away. He grabbed my wrists and pulled them tightly together before pulling handcuffs out off his pocket. He cuffed my wrists together. He stepped ok n the chain that keeps the cuffs together so I couldn't escape.
"Now I am going to punish you for that mouth of yours." And as soon as he said that I felt a stinging on my ass. He is spanking me as if I am a child. Are you serious? Who the he'll does he think he is. He spanked me about 14 more times then pulled underwear and pants on before letting me up and uncuffing my hands. I back away from him quickly as he got up and then walked out of the room I rub my ass as it was feeling very sore from him spanking me. I look around the room and spot the window that I was going to escape through last night. I look around the room and see no one is in here so I run to the window and to my suprise it's opened. I throw the window open and jump out of it and take off. I run across the street and run down the side walk as fast as I can. I find an alley and run to it so I  could rest for a little bit. I was so out of breathe. I've never ran that fast before in my entire life. I stood there in the alley way for about 10 minutes before walking out back onto the side walk and headed home. I arrived home 30 minutes later and go straight to my phone to see if I had any missed calls. I had 10 calls from my work.
"Ugh. Great. I am probably fired now." I sighed and went into my bathroom taking all off all my clothes. I got into the shower letting the hot water run down my skin. It felt so relaxing. I sighed as I felt relieved because I was now home. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be able to be in my own home again.

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