Chapter 19

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I dont know how long i was laying here, but all i know is it was dark outside and i felt so much pain. i finally got up walked and just kept walking. Somehow i found myself back at the picnic table. i started to tear up again. The same man that showed me love is the same man who is suppose to kill me. 

"Yuri?!" I spun around coming face to face with Victor. I took a step back away from him.

"Where have you been?! Ive been looking every where for you!! Do you know how worried i was!"

"Victor! Just shut up! I dont want want to even talked to you! I dont even want to look at you! Just take me home!" With that i walked back to where Yurio was waiting with the car.

I got in and told him to take me home. I watched as Victor hurriedly got into his car and got into it. He drove behind us the whole way home. I just sobbed the entire time and didnt care if Yurio could hear me the whole time. 

When we arrived home, i jumped out of the car right as Victor pulled in behind Yurio. I sprinted to the house as i heard Victor hurriedly got out of the car to chase after me.

"Yuri! Please baby! Just wait!" He was almost on my tail as i ran inside and straight up stairs. i ran to my room and slammed the and locked it. I fell to the ground with my back against the door. I sobbed for hours. Victor was pounding on the door for about two hours before he just sat down and in front of my door. I could tell he was there because  could here him sighing angrily the whole time. 

I don't know what time it was, but i finally got up and layed down in my bed. i fell asleep for a few hours. When i woke up it was in the late afternoon. Did i really sleep this long?

I got up out bed slowly and thought about yesterday. I needed to go for a run to get this stuff off my mind. i got up and put on clothes to go for a run. I grabbed my ipod and headphones and opened my door slowly to see if Victor was outside still. He wasnt anywhere to be found so i  stepped out of the hallway quickly. i walked downstairs and walked out the front door before anyone could see me.

When i went outside there was a car parked in front Victors house and i know it wasnt any of Victors cars. I jogged down the street not even careing about the car and ignored. That was until I looked behind me and saw that the car was following me. I started to sprint down the street feeling scared. I heard the car start to speed up and then stop right in front of me. Two men jumped out of it and grabbed me. before i could say anything, there was a needle in the side of my neck causeing to pass out.


Victors Point of View

I was working in my office after i had decided to just leave Yuri alone. I cant believe this is happening now. I didnt mean for any of this to happen at all. I love him so much. I would for kill for him. 

Yurio burst into my office with a paniced face. 

"Boss!! Yuri...... Dominic has him!"

I jumped right out of my seat and bolted out the door. What else could go wrong!


Yuris Point Of View

I wake up with a groan and find myself in a small room with my hands and feet tied to a chair. I tried to call out for help but it was muffled by the tape that was over my mouth. I began to panic. I have been kidnap by someone and no one even knows. I looked around the room and saw a video camera sitting a few feet from me. Besides that the room was empty except for some chains above my head. 

I sat there trying to get free but gave up thirty minutes later. I didn't want to use up all my energy. After about fifteen mintues, the door finally opened and two men dressed in black walked in. One of them walked behind me and cut the tape off my arms. Before I had a chance to do anything I was pulled up to my feet roughly and my hands were chained to the chains above my head. After that they both walked out of the room without a word and leaving me there hanging.

I groaned as the chains felt extremely unconfortable on me. My bandaged wrist was starting to hurt because the chains were opening up the cut. I was so done with life. For one the man that I thought loved me is actually sent to kill me. I've been kidnapped and don't know where I am and I'm probably going to die.

As i was thinking the door swung open and I couldn't believe my eyes who was standing in front of me.

My mom's ex boyfriend............

To be continued..........

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