Chapter 12

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"What Victor."

"I love you"

I gasped and looked up at Victor. My entire body went stiff. Those three words. Those three words are words ive wanted to hear all my life. I havent heard anyone tell me that they love me. 

I started to sob silently and let my head fall into my hands.

"Yuri?! Are you ok?! Is it what i said?? im sorry!!" He came to me and embraced me into a hug. i just sobbed into his chest. he is the first person to say i love you to me. even if he doesnt mean it, it still means a lot to me. I pulled away from him and stared into his eyes.

"What you said, Victor, means so much to me even if you don't mean it. If you d-!?" before i could finish what i was saying Victor smashed our lips together in one swift movement. I fell backwards onto the bed with shock. Victor kept his lips attached to mine as he crawled onto the bed so was above me. i moaned into the kiss and brought my hands around his neck. he pulled away and stared deeply into my eyes.

"When i say i love you, i mean every bit of it. Dont ever think i dont. Yuri, you have pulled my heart to you. I have fallen for you and i wont let you out of my life. Even if i have to lock you away in somewhere where only i can get to. I love you Yuri and i hope you do to." He smiled at me. i was speechless. I didnt know what to say. i didnt know if i loved him. i dont even even know how i feel about him. i thought hard for a few minutes.

"Victor, I love you too." He looked shocked after i said this. the next thing i knew my shirt was off and his lips were attached to mine. 


I sat on the couch in the living room snuggled close to Victor. I felt happy. i felt relieved. 

We were watching one of my favorite movies. It was called "Marley and me". It was probably one of the saddest movies ever. It was sadder than "Titanic".

After the movie finished, i acted like i was asleep because i didnt want to leave this position we were in. I felt Victor kiss my forhead and he picked me with me still wrapped in the blanket. I felt upset that we werent going to stay like that until he brought me upstairs to his room. I peeked my eyes open a little to see were he was taking me.

He set me on his bed and got into bed next to me and pulled me close. within a few minutes later we both fell asleep.


"No one will ever love you. You're a pathetic little slut. You don't have the right to breathe. You don't have the right to even be alive. Because no one will love you Yuri! I hate you, you stupid kid all you do is get in the way. You cause everyone trouble. Why don't you just kill yourself."

My mother pushed me onto the ground and started to beat on me. i screamed for her to stop but she only hit me harder each time. I cried and cried for help but no one came. No one has ever helped me. 

Suddenly i was in another room. It was my room when i was living with my mom. Her current boyfriend was in there. He hovering above me. I tried to push him away but i realized my hands and legs were tied to the bed. I tried to scream but something was shoved into my mouth so it only came out muffled. The man chuckled before ripping off my boxers. The next thing i knew he slammed right into me causing extremely bad pain.


I woke up screaming. I had tears running down my face. my head was pounding and so was my heart. Victor was now wide awake and looking at me with worry. I got up of bed and ran straight to the bathroom slamming the door shut and locked it.

"Yuri?! Hey! open the door! Yuri what's wrong baby?! please open the door hun, open the door so i can help you. Listen, i know about your past. did you have a bad dream about it? Open the door so i can comfort you please." I sat on the floor and cried my eyes out.

"No one will ever love you. You're a pathetic little slut. You don't have the right to breathe. You don't have the right to even be alive. Because no one will love you Yuri! I hate you, you stupid kid all you do is get in the way. You cause everyone trouble. Why don't you just kill yourself."  

I remembered what my mother told me everyday. She was right. I do cause everyone trouble. I dont deserve Victors love. i dont deserve any of this. 

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