Chapter 21

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Victors point of view

I watched as Dominic hit Yuri in the side with the steel pole. My baby tried to screamed in pain but it was only muffled by the tape on his mouth. He was going through so much and didnt deserve any of that. When u get my hands on Dominic I'm going to torture him until he begs me to end his life.

I watched as Yuri stared into the camera. He had a pleading look on his face. He looked so lost....... No Yuri...... Please stay strong...... For me.......

Yurio barged into the room panting as if he had gone for a 5k run. 

"Boss, we know where he is. We know where Yuri is." 

As he said those words i was up out of my seat walking past him.

"Gather everyone and take me there NOW. We are going to get this done and over with quickly." And with that, I walked out and to my awaiting car.

Don't worry baby, I'm coming for you and i'm not letting you go this time.


Yuri's point of view

Dominic was busy playing the knife in his hand before he turned to me and grinned evilly. He walked up closer to me and dragged the knife along my stomach slowly and painfully. I didn't make sound as he did this. I had lost my voice by now. I couldn't do anything except lay there and hope and pray this would all be over soon.

Bang! Bang! Bang! 

I heard loud gun shots and men screaming. Dominic dropped the knife and cursed. He ran to the door and swung it open revealing a very and i mean very pissed off Victor.

Wait..... Victor!! He actually came for me!! 

I stared at him in shock. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. Victor came for me. I never felt so happy in my life.  

Victor threw one blow to Dominic's face and he was out. Victor called his men into the room and then he rushed to me.

"Oh my God, Yuri, baby..... I'm so sorry this happened to you. Baby...... This is all my fault." He took the chains off my wrists and caught me before i fell to the ground. He took the tape off my mouth and looked into my eyes. i could so much guilt in pain in them. I can't believe i'm saying but........

"Victor..... I.....L-love...... You...." It took so much effort to say those three words. I felt my eyes start to close. Is it really time for me to die already. At least im dying in the one persons arms of who i truly love.


Victors point of view

After Yuri had lost consciousness, i had him rushed to the hospital in my car. I sat in the back seat and held him in my lap. My poor Yuri...... Please don't leave me..... Not again......

When we arrived to the hospital, I jumped out of the car and rushed into the hospital. A nurse saw me and immediately brought a bed for me to put Yuri on. I wanted to go with them but another nurse prevented me and me i wasn't allowed to go in the room during procedure.

I turned around and walked outside pissed as hell. I called Yurio and told him to get Dominic ready. I was going to make this man live through hell. I'm going to make him wish he was in hell. 

Twenty minutes later i was at one of my warehouses. Dominic was was hanging from chains in front of me and was covered in blood. I haven't even done much to him in my opinion. I grabbed a knife from the table that was beside me and stabbed it into Dominic's left thigh. He yelled in pain as blood ran down his leg and onto the floor.

"It hurts doesn't it! How do you think Yuri felt when you did that to him? Huh? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU THINK HE FELT?!?! DID YOU ENJOY IT WHEN YOU PUT HIM IN PAIN??!! WELL GUESS WHAT! I'M ENJOYING EVERY DAMN SECOND OF THIS!!" I was yelling while i punched him and stabbed him multiple times. 

I stepped back and stared at him. He was dead. This fucker was now dead. My Yuri is now safe.... For now that is.............

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