Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"I still can't believe he asked you to marry him," Thomas said a week later as he cleaned the stalls in the barn and Elizabeth milked the cow. Her belly was making it harder and harder to bend and accomplish even simple tasks like this.

"He was just being nice," Elizabeth replied, wishing that the cold air would warm up a bit. Her hands were nearly frozen to the cows udders. December was even colder than November had been and Jacob had told her that January would be worse yet.

"Your husband ain't even been dead a year yet, what made him think you'd be ready to move on?"

Elizabeth shrugged as the muscles in her arms ached. Pregnancy was making her lazy, "My guess is that he was being a typical man and trying to take care of me."

"Typical man?" Thomas demanded, leaning on the rake and wiping his brow with his shirt sleeve.

"Yeah. All men think that us women need you to do everything for us. That's one of the things I loved the most about Brody. He knew I didn't need him to pull out my chair or help lift me onto a horse, or have him make me a bed of grass. He knew I could do it all on my own."

Thomas shook his head and went back to cleaning the stall, "You really gonna raise that baby on your own without a husband?"

Elizabeth laid her hand on her stomach and nodded, "Yes. I won't remarry just to give my son or daughter a father. I already talked to Victoria, you know the tailor in town? She said that once the baby is born I can start working for her. I'm hoping to save up enough money to get a place for me and the baby to live on our own."

"I think even Brody would have put his foot down about you living on your own, Liz." Thomas warned. "He would want somebody to be there to help look after things."

"Are you asking if you can live with me and the baby?"

Thomas blushed red and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well.. Uh.. Just as a friend. I don't see you that way."

"What way?" Elizabeth asked, enjoying his awkwardness.

"Well uh.. As a woman.. You know...."

"Just what every woman wants to hear," Elizabeth muttered dryly. Thomas leaned the rake against the wall and threw his hands up, "You know what I mean, dammit!" he exclaimed. "You're like my sister. I just think it would be good for you to have a man around just so other men don't think they can take advantage."

Elizabeth laughed lightly and nodded, "You're right, it probably would be a good thing." she agreed. The baby kicked hard and she winced and grabbed her side.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked, coming to her side in the blink of an eye.

"Yeah, this baby has mine and Brody's temper combined. That much is clear."

Thomas let out a low whistle, "Let's hope you're wrong or else we're all in for it."


Grant was still fuming. Months had passed since that stupid whore had run away from him. He only hoped she had gotten lost and died a horribly slow death from starvation. He had been nothing but patient with her and had she appreciated it? No, she had not. She had taken off into the night and left him with an itch he'd never get to scratch.

He had wanted to know what it would feel like to have her long, slender body writhing and moving beneath his own and now he never would. He had heard from his friend with the railroad that soon they'd be coming for the land at the ranch. Braxton had yet to send him the papers and Grant knew that another trip to Texas would soon be in order.

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