I'm Always Yours

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Its been three years since Katniss moved. Peeta and her are 20 and aching to se eachother again. Both kept they're promises and Katniss is coming back but alot has changed since she left.

Katniss POV

I'm 20 years old. I haven't seen my Peeta for three years. Its's Peeta's 20th birthday in two days and I need him. I'm driving there with my friend Dex. He showed me around when I first moved there and became my best friend. 

"So, how is this Peeta?" he asks. Dex is curious. Sometimes to much.

"Peeta is the greatest. I'm a little nervous about seeing him." I say driving into his driveway. He still has his orange mustang. We get out and go to the door.

"Okay, moment of truth." I say before knocking on the door. A tall, good looking ashy blond haired man opens the door.

"Yes?" he asks. I couldn't believe it. His voice changed, he is so much sexier.

"Peeta. Its me. KitKat." I say but he gives me a confused look. "Katniss, your girlfriend." I say

"No, I don't know any Katniss and my girlfriend is Delly Cartwright." what! Delly?

"Peeta, no its me. You love me. I gave you a necklace with a K on it." I say pulling his shirt collar down showing the golden little K.

"Katniss Everdeen. She gave me this but she broke my heart." he said and I stared crying. Dex pulled me in for a hug.

"Its okay Katniss. Lets go talk to his parents. Maybe they know something." he said. We left but I coulnd't stop crying. Dex drove us to Mellark Family Bakery. We walked in ans saw Mr. Mellark working behind the counter. The bell at the door let him know someone was here.

"Welcome to Mellark Bak...Oh. Katniss." he said. I rushed around the counter and into his arms. He knew what was going on so he hugged me back.

"Katniss I'm so sorry about Peeta. I should have told you before you came." he said. Why didn't anybody call me.

"Whats wrong with him? She say's that Delly is his girlfriend and that I broke his heart." I say still crying.

"Peeta got into a car crash about a year ago and lost alot of his memory so you." he said. He promised not to forget me and fate made him.

"What am I gonna do. Can we do something to help him remember?" I ask as we sit down.

"Yeah. He goes to therapy every week. If we go with him maybe you being there will help him remember." he said.

"Okay, when does he go there?" I ask. Mr Mellark pulls out a little book from the shelf and looks through it.

"Tomorrow at noon. I can take you there." he said. After that I had to be alone so I said my goodbyes and left to Annie's who knew I was here. I stayed in the guest bedroom of her apartment so when I got back I locked myself in and cryed like there was no tomorrow. Peeta. My Peeta forgot me.

Peeta POV

That girl I think I know her but I'm not sure. I'm sitting in the livingroom of my house when Delly walks in,

"Hey sweetie." she said before giving my a kiss. I loved this girl. She helped me so much after the crash. I lean back as she walks to the kitchen.

"Delly? Do I know a Katniss Everdeen?" I ask standing up. She walks out with a straight face.

"No, not that I know of but I can't come with you tomorrow. I have to work later." she says. Tomorrow I have to go see Dr. Dravarol, my therapist.

"Okay." I say before walking upstairs to go to sleep. As I lay there I can't get this Katniss out of my head. Do I know her? And if I do, from where and who was she to me?


Peeta forgot Katniss. I thought that would be a good idea. How can all oof this work now?

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Nikki :)

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