Chapter 28 Cheated On?

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Peeta POV

Its been a week since the accident. Rye is doing good but she's still abit weak so she stays in bed. Katniss was in the hospital everyday for 3 days. I had to go home and take care of Willow and Juditha. I'm sitting in the living room with Katniss, making out and what not. What? We're still young but rapid knocking on the front door breaks our kiss.

"I'll get it." I say getting up. I open the door to see a red eyes Gale. "Hey. Have you been crying?" I ask. He nods and I let him in.

"Gale? Whats wrong?" Katniss asks jumping up and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Clove....she.....she cheated on me." he says. Clove? Cheated on him? "She's been cheating on me for a year!"

"With who?" I ask as he sits down. He wipes the tears from his face and takes a breath. 

"With......Cato." he says. Cato? That asshole?

"Cato? Are you kidding me?!" Katniss almost yells. She never liked Cato, mainly because he's a real dick.

"I just found out. She said it to my face. I don't know what I did wrong." he crys. Katniss stands up and storms to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask. She grabs her jacket and turns to me.

"I'm beat some sense into her." she says before leaving. I get Gale some tea and calm him down. Hopefuly Katniss doesn't push things to far.

Katniss POV

I bust through the door of Gale's house and see Clove sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Kat." she says smiling.

"Don't 'hey Kat' me!" I yell. She gives me a confused look. "You cheated on Gale?!"

"How do you know?!" she asks jumping up.

"Gale just showed up on my doorstep, crying and told us!" I say.

"It wasn't working with us! Gale isn't the right one!" she yells. I know he can be harsh but he's got such a big heart.

"And cheating is the best this you can think of?!" I yell.

"What do you know about it?! You and Peeta have the fucking fairy tale romance!" 

"Thats not the point! No matter how much Peeta and I have to go through! I would never cheat on him!" she gives me a look.

"I'm not having this fight with you Katniss. If Gale can't solve his own problems then thats his own fault!" she yells storming out. I sigh and sit down. I can fix this and I will, for Gale.


Okay, next chapter focuses on fixing they're relationship. And, I know. Short.

Nikki :)

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