Sorry to my Close Friend

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Okay, so all are waiting for updates and what not. I messed up with somebody very important to me and I can't do stuff for a while.

The person I messed up with know who they are and I know they don't.......I want them to know that I'm really, really sorry. I lied and broke trust that was built over laughs and truths.

I wanted to let all know that there will be no updates until all of this is over and cleared. I can't work with stuff like this on my mind. 

A really, really good tip? Never, ever lie to your friends. Always tell the truth and never make yourself bigger than you really are because true friends don't care how you are or what you wear. They like you for who you really are but I didn't see that and fucked up. So always trust your friends and tell the truth. Don't make the same mistakes I did. You might lose somebody very close to you.

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