Chapter 34 School Fun

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Juditha POV

So, one word. School. Another word. Jealousy. Put those two together. Ryan has proven himself to be really protective and jealous. I love him more than anything and I think abit of jealousy can be good but it can get annoying.

"Juditha, we're gonna be late." he says walking into my room. I pull my shirt on and grab my bag.

"Well, if you hadn't kept me up all night than I might have been up earlier." I say making him smile. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You loved it." he whispers as his lips brush against my skin. I smile as he kisses my neck, forcing out a quiet moan.

"Juditha!" dad calls from the kitchen. We both groan and walk to him. "I made you two lunch for today." he hands us our bread boxes(hope everybody knows what a bread box is.) and kisses my cheek.

"Alright, thanks dad. I'll see you after school." I say as we leave. He nods and we start our walk to school.

"So, school. Excited?" Ryan asks holding my hand.

"Yeah, so excited. Bullies, teachers that hate you, homework. What could be better than school?" I ask making him laugh.

"I am, new friends, school trips." he says.

"New boys." I say making him frown and give me a look. "Calm down, I have the best boyfriend in the world."

"Juditha, do me a favor and stay around me today." he says. I sigh and stop.

"Ryan, I love you but your over protectiveness is going to far." I say. He nods and looks down. "I'll stay with you today. We've been going to this school our whole lives, everybody knows us so don't get worried." we arrive at our school and walk in to be greeted by our old class teacher Mrs. Berch.

"The lovebirds. How was your Summer?" she asks. Yeah, everybody called us lovebirds but we don't care.

"Good, and your's" Ryan asks. She shrugs and hands us a piece of paper.  

"Welcome to 9th grade." she says walking away. I look at Ryan who shrugs.

"Yeah, 9th grade. Great." I say as we walk to our lockers. We put our stuff in and we go to class.

2nd Class

Its math. I'm pretty good in math and so is Ryan. We're sitting together and everything is going pretty good until Ryan becomes mischievous. He rests his hand on my thigh making me jump. He strokes my thigh up and down.

"Ryan, stop." I whisper. He keeps going so I look to him and see him looking up to the board and back down to write everything down. How can he do that. I decide to ignore it and I continue to write but he's making it hard. Than he hits the spot and I gasp. Our teacher turns and gives me a look.

"Juditha, is something wrong?" he asks.

"No, I....bit my lip....asking Ryan if he could help me later. I'm sorry." I say. He nods and gets back to writing. I look at Ryan who's smiling as he keeps writing. Than he knocks his sharpener off the table. He bends over to get it but his lips brush against my thigh and he sits back up. I'm gonna kill him.

10 Minute Break

Ryan left class before me and left for his locker. I grab my stuff and rush to him. I see him leaning against the wall talking to another boy. I walk up to him making him smile.

"Hey babe." he kisses my cheek. I grab his wrist and pull him to our lockers.

"What the hell was that?!" I ask making him chuckle. 

"I wanted to play with my girlfriend." he says. I punch him in his chest just as the boy from earlier.

"Hey Ryan, is this your girl?" he asks. Ryan nods and takes my hand. "I'm Steve." I shake his hand.

"Juditha." I say. Than the bell rings and we head to class. School wasn't so bad and Steve is nice but little do I know that he would become a big problem.


Yay! Update! Was this chapter good?

Nikki :)

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