Thirteen: New york

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Sami's POV
We woke up early to drop Rocco of at the airport and it was a really upsetting day for us.
"I love you both so much. I'll be back soon." He says kissing my forehead and kissing Lia then her belly.

"You take good care in there little men." He says and smiles.
"Or little ladies or little man and women. You never know." Lia corrects him and I just started crying.

"Sami. It's fine. I'll be back before you know it." He hugs me tightly and I sober up quickly and we watched him go off and cameras flash around us and following him.

Me and Lia get in the car and because she's pregnant, Rocco wanted me to drive us home.
"Don't worry we can watch him on the big screen. We are so proud of him."

"Yeah we are."
I've been without Rocco before I don't need him to live, it's just because this is the first game he's missed of mine and he always makes them special but after we went back to sleep and woke back up, I struggled really hard to get out of bed.

I didn't want to get up at all. "Sami, James is here to see you." Lia says opening my door and I nod.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me.
"Rocco' missing my game. For the first time." I whisper before crying.
I don't understand why I'm finding this so hard. It's not a big deal and I know.

"I'm sorry. Do you want a hug?" I nodded and gave him a hug and sat in his arms for a bit but it didn't make me feel better.

"I'm going to get Lia." I nod and he runs off.
It feels like I'm stuck on my bed. It's a shit feeling to be honest. 

"Sami. I want you to take these they might make you feel better." Lia says handing me two pills.
"Why. What's the point?" I ask.
"They are Rocco's anti-depressants. If they work then we will go get you a prescription if not then we can leave you to it.

I took them and they left me to mope.
A few hours I could feel myself a bit more lighter like I could move and I wanted to get a drink but I don't have the energy for it.

But I did pack my bag for us leaving tomorrow for the game. I am excited but I'm upset but I'm ok.

I'm in a very indecisive mood. I don't know how I feel and I can't identify my feelings but I don't know.

"Sami, you ok?" James asked and I walked over to him and hugged him as i nodded.
"I feel a little better. Not perfect but I'll cope." I smile.
"I saw a smile! Don't hide it. To the couch for a movie marathon." James picked me up and ran downstairs as I clung on for dear life. It wouldn't be the first time he dropped me.

We sat on the couch and I got the blanket to over us and I sat close to my best friend. Shitty Nicolas cage films were and are the best movies marathons to watch with your best friend because you can sit there and mock him and it puts you in a good mood.

"Sami, James- I'm going to go order dinner what do you guys want?" Lia asks sitting next to us.
"Chinese?" James suggested and I nodded.
"I want the super noodles." Lia puts it in on the app.

"Ok it will be here soon. I'm going to go down for some swimming. Call me up when the food is here." I nodded and she walked away.

"I can see the little baby bump forming." James points out.
"I know. It's twins and I can't believe I'm going to be an aunty." I tell him.

"I swear that means she's going to get massive?" James whispers and I nod.
"Huge." We laugh about it and got closer to each other.

"You have to promise that every now and again. Now that you have a boyfriend." James told me.
"I'll never forget you James if that's what your trying to get at. I'm your best friend and you are mine." I tell him and kiss his cheek.

James is my absolute best friend and I will never ever forget about him.

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