Fourty five: The Daily Mail

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Sami's PoV
I woke up next to Hunter as I hear the front door slam shut.
"Sami!" Rocco shouts running up.
I haven't done anything. I don't think. I really haven't done anything.

"Read this now." He gives me his phone and he's on Snapchat.
"There's nothing to read." I tell him still trying to adjust to the morning.

"Hang on. Here." He taps the Daily mail.
Sneaky Sami last few months have been a whirlwind.
The title read with a photos of me flashing through of me kissing Kaiden, Hunter, the mini moment I had with him when I found out that my dad wasn't my dad.

"What is this?" I ask as Hunter wakes up.
"Paps following you around for 4/5 months. Practically taking photos of you when ever you doing something remotely scandalous." Rocco was very agitated and he had every right to be, I'm being followed.

"But you two aren't in the limelight at the moment. Your practicing and Lia's at home 24/7." I say. I don't even want to open the article but Hunter takes it and reads.

"As little Sami was in a relationship with her now ex boyfriend Kaiden, every now and again would go to have cuddles with his enemy, Hunter. Was she cheating?" Hunter read out.
With the picture of the day he forcefully joined the football team.

"I wasn't cheating though. I have to speak to Kaiden." I say getting up and Hunter stops me.
"Woah, your not going to see him." He tells me.
"I am. He deserves an explanation. I didn't cheat on him, I never did and if he reads it he will think I did. So I'm going." I tell him.

I put on my clothes on and got in my car driving to his house.
As soon I parked I knocked on his door and his mum opened the door.

"Oh Sami, Hi. Skye isn't here at the moment." She tells me.
"I really need to speak to Kaiden." She nods and lets me walk upstairs.

I knock on his door and he tells me to come in.
"Before you can even get a word in edgewise I-"
"Didn't cheat? I know Sami." He says.

"You don't believe the daily mail?" I ask and he shook his head.
"It's normally a load of bullshit anyway and if they thought you were they would of posted it during our relationship. Your faithful and honest and I know that." He explains and I calm down instantly.

"Thank you. As soon as I saw this the first person I need to talk to was you." I say hugging him. I sense of relief washed over me.

"You're also very considerate, I'm guessing Hunter didn't want you to come?" He expresses his very correct thoughts and I nod.

"Well I guess you better go before he has a meltdown." He says and I nod giving him another hug but when I was pulling away he tried to kiss me but I turned my head.

"I'm sorry." He sighs moving away.
"It's fine, Bye Kaiden." I sat leaving his room immediately after.

I get back home and all I hear is shouting and I sigh before walking in.
"Can you Calm Hunter down please?" Lia asks as I saw the hole in the living room door.

I go into the living room where Rocco was restricting him with all the strength he had in him.
"What is your problem?! Your throwing a hissy fit because I went to see if Kaiden was alright? Then you punch a hole through the door? Control yourself!" I shout and he looked at me and didn't know how to react to what I said.

"You went to go see your ex boyfriend to see if he was ok before even asking your boyfriend if I was ok?" He shouts at me.
"There wasn't a bit saying I cheated on you! Was there?!" I shout back.

"But you still didn't ask, maybe I don't like getting followed!" He shouts back as Rocco lets up on holding him.

"And I do?! You don't think I'm just upset that I've had cameras intruding on my life! You don't think I wish I Don't have to worry about how I'm seen in the public eye? You can leave this! I can't! So stop being so selfish and insecure and think about someone other than yourself!" I shout at him and that pissed him off big time but I didn't give him time to react I ran upstairs in tears.

This would be the 5th article this year and the first 4 I know they were taking photos but I thought with Lia being on maternity leave and Rocco keeping away from the limelight for both of us that my life will get easier. But apparently not.

"Sami. Let me in." Lia knocked so I got up and opened the door to her.
"Don't cry." She hugged me as much as she could with the bump in the way.

"It's not fair. It's not my fault and Hunter's making it out that it's my fault." I cry as we walked over my bed and lie down.
"It's not. So that's why I've set up a press meeting. All of us will go and talk how even though it's only been a few hours it's affected us and before that our publicist is going to come and talk it through with us. But I promise you hopefully you won't have cameras on until you at least finish high school." Lia tells me and I nod.

"It's just that what if I was doing something bad? It would ruin you and Rocco." I cry as everything gets to me.
"No. Not at all. Your actions are your actions and we will never hold you accountable for our celebrity personas."

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