Fourty three: On show

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Sami's PoV
Someone kept knocking on the door and but we ignored it until they walked in.

"Get It Hunter." They said. I look over and it's Mazzy, Kurt and Mack.
I immediately get off Hunter cover myself with the blanket we had next to us.

"You can't just walk into my house!" I shout.
"We kept knocking and the door was unlocked." Kurt says.
"I said we should leave their probably not at home." Mack states.

"So what do you want or need?" Hunter asks. 
"We wanted to see our main man. See how he's doing but we can see who he's doing." Kurt says and I roll my eyes.

"He's not doing anyone." I say still slightly pissed that they intruded on us.
"Your not sleeping with anyone? How long has it been?" Mezzy asks.

"Since our night out, but I'm doing ok." He looks at me and laughs but I'm not laughing.
"Oh my- it's true. Hunter is whipped. But at least it's someone sweet and not a hoe." Mezzy exaggerates.

"How are you Sami? Besides pissed at us for being cock blocks." Mack asked me.
"I'm fine. Better." I talk and Hunter puts his arm around me.

"What happened to evil boy?" Kurt asked.
"Who? Kaiden?" I ask. Evil boy?
"Yeah. You still dating him?" Mezzy elaborates.

"Yes I'm still dating him while having a half naked makeout session with Hunter." I say sarcastically.

"You choose a snarky one didn't you?" Mack tells Hunter.
"Yeah. But I like that. It's hot." Hunter tells them.

"Not when I'm talking about how small you are." I say quietly getting up.
"Hey! You've never seen my dick so shut up." He tells me smiling.
"Or have I?" I say turning around and he chases after me as I run upstairs.

"When have you seen it? Have you been watching me showering?" Hunter jokes.
"I was joking. I haven't." I say putting clothes on.

I turn around and he was smiling like he had an idea.
"How about after these leave you can see it and do more?" Hunter suggests.

"Ok." And He kisses me before leaving the room.
"You guys need to leave, she's going to give me head. So leave." He told them and my mouth dropped.

"HUNTER!" I shout running downstairs.
"No I'm not." I say to the guys before hitting Hunter.

"A girl of privacy. I like her. Don't fuck it up Hunter." Mezzy says before they leave.
"Your not meant to tell anyone!" I say.
"They are grown ups who have done a lot worse so it's fine. Plus they understand." He explains.

"I know that but like Mezzy said, I privacy. I don't want everyone knowing." He nods.
"They will be the only ones. Ok?" He tells me and I nod.

"So let's go upstairs. That's if you still want to?" He asks me and I nod.
We were cuddling after we did stuff together. He did to me and I did to him.
"How was that?" Hunter asks.
"Good." I smile so much.
"So it's not small is it?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know." I tease him and he removes the covers and leaves himself on show.
"Hunter stop." I try to cover him but he kept removing.

"Make your decision." He tells me.
"Ok! It's not small it's fucking massive!" I say and he covers himself.
"That's what i thought." He smiles because he got his own way.

"Are you going to tell Rocco? Because he might kill me." He says to me and shook my head.

"No. At the most Saffron but no one. Because it's a private thing." I tell him.
"I respect that. Because I love you so tonight, with permission from Rocco we're going out." He tells me.

"Where?" I ask him.
"To see the city. It sounds more romantic when we get there but you'll understand." I nod and kiss him.

"So your being romantic? Is this going to be a thing or?" I ask.
"You don't want romance? That's fine I won't be romantic." He says pulling a weird face of confusion.

"No! I do I really do. But I'm not into the presents and the flowers and there weird thoughtful dates. I just want someone who understands me and take me on a date every once in a while and does special things random to make me feel loved." I tell him. 

"Well we've never been on a date so it's a special surprise and I love the so called cringy shit. So maybe you'll have to be the one to bring me roses and make me breakfast in bed and bring me chocolates when I don't feel good." He joked.

"Maybe I will. I'll tell you how beautiful you are every morning and I'll run you a bath with rose petals and candles with sensual music and massages. Then every time I see you working hard, I'll bake you some cookies and tell you how much I appreciate you." I continue the joke.

"That actually sounds quite sweet. Keep talking." He says resting his forehead on mine.
"I'll run my hands through your hair because I know how much that calms you down and when your riddled with anxiety I'll be there to hug you until it goes away. I'll be your safety blanket and you can be mine because we both know we need each other and not want each other so if I need to make you feel special then I will." He looked and me and I smiled.

"I love you so much." He tells me.
"I love you too." I replied and we just hugged each other. Higher until our hearts content.

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