Fifty: Surprise

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Sami's PoV
I had to Get changed in the car and we drove to the ice rink.
I walk in and it was decorated for me and coach was there.

"Dad!" I shout giving him a hug.
"Happy birthday." He says and I squeeze him.
"Thank you."
"Sami!" Uncle dec shouts and I run to him and he picks me up.

"My little monster is not only older but heavy. Still eating the bricks?" I nod and he puts me down.

We have a little conversation before I get onto the ice and skate around Hunter who doesn't know how to skate.

"Stop it!" He shouts and I hold him up.
"It's not fun is it." He Shakes his head and I go around him and start pushing him.

"Sami! You literally devil!" He shouts as I laugh at him and Trent grabs me.
"Sup Sami." He says spinning with me.
"Hi Trent. How's life?" I ask.

"My girlfriend loves my dick as always so nothing new." I laugh and spin out away from him.
"Sami do a front flip." Flynn shouts and I take my run up and do one and Hunter fell over as I did it and that made me laugh.

"How?!" Hunter shouts.
"I used to to do figure skating." I tell him as Rocco's team run on and all pile on me.

"I've missed you all but please get off me!" I shout and I give them all a hug.

"Oh my god! Emmet do our figure skate dance with me!" I shout at him and he nods and we do this really nice simple one that I did with him when I was 7.

"If you fall I'm sorry." He says and I laugh.
All of us were having a ball of fun until Lia's water broke.
"Rocco!" She shouts looking down.
We all come off the ice and there's water on the floor.

"Did your water just break?" I ask going over to help her as Rocco rushes over.
"Yeah. It's only 8 months though. They are early." She says before groaning and having to sit down.

"What's happening?" Rocco asks.
"I'm having my first contraction." She says holding her stomach.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Trent shouts.
"Not yet. It might be a false alarm." Lia says.
"But babe we have to go. I don't want to lose them or you." Rocco says to her.

"Sami I'm sorry." She apologises.
"It's fine. Go to the hospital. We will collect the bags and meet you there." She nods and Bryant calls the ambulance as Hunter and I get into the car and driving home.

"There are 4 bags that we have to pick up." I tell him.
"Why 4?" He asks.
"One for Lia, one each for the twins and a bag full of spares." He nods.
"What about you where are you going?" He asks.
"Uncle Declan and Auntie Kate's house. Because it's probable that they will be there for a long time." I explain.

"And me?" He asks.
"With me obviously." I tell him as we pull up to the house and I grab everything and Hunter grabs a few things that they might need, like a camera and the iPad and all the chargers he could find before we run back to the car and go to the hospital.

"I'm excited." I tell hunter.
"You know that if they are born on your birthday then you will have no attention." Hunter tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I don't need attention. I get to have siblings." I say.
"They-" I stop him before he states the obvious.

"I know they aren't my siblings they are my nieces and nephews and Rocco and I are so far apart in age the way we grew up that he's more my guardian then my brother but with the twins, I don't have to stop my life to take care of them because they have two loving parents. They will be like my siblings." He nods and puts his hand on my leg supportively.

"Could be the best birthday present ever."

At 11:57pm and 12:10 am after 8 hours of labour, Hope and Hector Anderson-Collias was born. Both beautiful and small things.

After a complicated birth and our entire family waiting. So Aunty Kate, Uncle Dec, Mum,Liam, Coach, Rocco's high school team, my team and Hunter all waiting for Lia to come out of surgery because Hope was breached, we all got to celebrate the birth of the long awaited twins.

It was an emotional time for all of us because after their first pregnancy everyone was madly affected. But as everyone saw the babies we were all so emotional and happy about it.

At 1, the teams went home because they made sure that Lia and Rocco were ok.
Finally after a few hours I got to hold them.
"Hi, I'm Sami and I'm your aunty but we will pretend that I'm your big sister." I say to hope.

"Hunter would you like to hold hector?" Aunty Kate asks.
"No im ok. I don't hold babies." He says and Rocco laughs taking him from Aunty Kate.

"Why?" He asks.
"Because I don't want to be responsible if i drop him. So if i don't hold him. I can't drop him." Hunter says and I roll my eyes.

"What happens when you have kids of your own?" I ask.
"I'll hold them because they would be my kids. So if I drop them it be my fault."
"Just hold the baby, it's good luck." Rocco says going to Hunter and placing him in his hands.

He smiled for a little until he started moving.
"He's moving. Take him back." He freaks and Mum takes hector away from him and he sat next to me as I gave Lia, Hope.

"I think it's time for us to go. Let the new parents rest." Uncle Dec says and we all unanimously nod.

"Sami, before you go, i just want you to know that just because we will be tired and half asleep, if you need someone to talk to you can always come to us." Lia says and I nod giving both of them a kiss goodbye.

"I know. Get some rest You've worked hard." I tell them before going home with Hunter.
"Some day that could be us." I say.

"In a very distant future where Rocco won't murder me, Yeah- I'd like that very much." He says giving me a kiss.

"I'd make sure our child has the greatest childhood and the love and support he/she needs." He says as we sit in the car.

"That's so sweet. I love you." I say.
"I love you too." He says back and giving me a kiss.

- And that's the end. I didn't really want to write more with the story because I didn't think it had any more to be said.
So a nice sweet wrap up of the story.

I have another story including Hunter, called Hunter's Alternate universe where we see Hunter if we never meet Sami and Rocco how different his life is. (Spoiler, he's gay). The only thing is all the information about Hunter in the this book. Might be a little different and very explicit so idk if I'll post it.

Finished 19 August 2018
Lots of love
Iz x

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