the history of planned parenthood's attempted genocide.

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Margaret Sanger, the original (one of) white feminist, founded Planned Parenthood. Oh how lovely and sweet to have medical attention for women who couldn't afford the over the top healthcare! No, Margaret, you and your racist ideology constructed Planned Parenthood as another way to stop the expansion of the black population.

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."

That's fine, we've seen white supremacy at every angle. The original white supremacist sprang from white women and their "need to be protected against the black race." But Planned Parenthood is everywhere, everywhere in inner-city areas, on college campuses. In every black or brown neighborhood a Planned Parenthood isn't too far away. 
Margaret proposed "good breeding," the breeding of a superior, smarter race. That ideal race for her was not black. Throughout the history of Planned Parenthood, black women (and Latinos) have been visiting these centers for medical attention, but have been unknowingly receiving sterilization treatments. If black and brown women are talked into abortions, birth control, or have illegal and unconsensal sterilizations done, what race is going to be viewed as the "chosen race?" White. She aimed for white people to be the smart, wealthy, and better off population, which is why she started her "Negro Project."

The Negro Project was constructed by Margaret Sanger and W.E.B DuBois ( I don't like his ideology, just saying) to expose black women to birth control in the 1920s. When black and brown women visited Planned Parenthood, they were given illegal sterilizations that they had zero knowledge of until after the procedure. She was a racist, who wanted to control black women's bodies', what more is there to say? She, like all white women, have been protected under this image of innocence and good intention, although her intentions are not well at all.

I'm pro-choice, but not pro-Planned Parenthood. If there were more option for affordable/free medical attention for impoverished women, I would be ecstatic (there are, but few), but Planned Parenthood gets none of my support if they choose to blindly allow this Black Genocide to go by. 

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