non-violence and how it doesn't work.

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Non-violent activists have always been the most whitewashed, peaceful, and commonly appeared in the media. People like MLK and Ghandi (with all of his anti-black racism), set the path for non-violent, peaceful protests. That's cute and all, but it doesn't work.

"Dr. King's policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That's very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none." Stokely Carmichael.

Not once has America or the judicial system showed us that it has a conscience, or any one in favor of these systems that oppress marginalized groups have a conscience. You cannot consciously watch people suffer, therefore, Amerikkka ( a vast majority of white people [in position of power]) do not have a conscience that allows them to sympathize with people of color. Too many times have they seen black people in pain; slavery, reconstruction, mass incarceration, Tulsa Race Riot, Pruitt Projects, War on Drugs, illegal sterilization, Tuskegee Experiments. Black people have been through pain, the black community is still in pain, but white people refuse to acknowledge that our pain is valid.

There is no more "non-violence," "what would MLK think?,"if Martin was still alive and not dead at the hands of racism, he'd still be preaching about non-violence while implementing some of Malcom's teachings that y'all hate so much. Non-violence doesn't work 100% of the time. If you want to be non-violent as people spit in your face, throw hot coffee in your face, and damn near murder you as they did years ago, by all means, knock yourself out. If you expect people with zero conscience and a lack of empathy to see you at your weakest moment and love you all of a sudden, have fun.

But Malcom X, Assata, Huey P. Newton, Angela Davis...they had a plan much greater than wishing for love and serenity. Justice will be given, not conditional as we beg the government for it, but when we force the government to recognize us as people of the human race. "By Any Means Necessary."

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