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OCTAVIA HAD PREPARED herself for a full on lecture from STILES as she rode up from the elevator.

The doors opened to see a pacing STILES who was biting his fingernails. As soon as he turned to look at her, Octavia wiggled her fingers at her friend.

"Question why are you biting your nails if you can't really bite into it?" Octavia asked as she walked into the lounge.

"You." STILES hissed as he ignored Octavia question, "You where suppose to be home an hour ago! It is midnight-"

"Eleven fifty eight."

"- and you hung up on me! Who do you think you are to hung up on me!-"

"Octavia Stark, genius, millionaire, heroine."

"-God Octavia! Everyday you act more and more like Tony! You got to get your head out of your ass and start being more responsible and- and why is your head bleeding?" STILES words slowed down as he saw the wound on Octavias head.

"Well Sti, when the skin is damaged the blood vessels-"

"Your sass isn't need right now!" STILES said pointing a finger at the rebellious teen, "FRIDAY do a full scan on Octavia." He ordered.

Octavia rolled her eyes, "STILES I'm fine, it's just a little scratch."

"Miss.Stark has a minor concussion and a bit of temperature but she is overall fine." FRIDAY spoke as a small red light scanned Octavia.

"Your dying." STILES panicked, "Dear God you are dying."

Octavia let out a groan as she walked towards her room, "Goodnight STILES!" She called out as walked up the stairs. "Don't die in your sleep okay!?"

The young stark let out a small laugh before closing her door and passing out onto her bed.


Octavia laid across her bed, happily studying another homeschool lesson. Her dark hair sprawled down her back as her pencil tapped her notebook out of habit. "Miss.Stark" FRIDAY spoke catching the teenager by suprise, "Your father has arrived home today."

Octavia grinned madly as she shoved her notebook away and climbed out of bed. She grabbed the railing as she ran downstairs to see Tony standing in the lounge room.

"Hey kiddo." He grinned, making his smile lines show.

"Hey old man." She teased as she ran over, pulling him into a warm hug. Octavia pulled away to look at Tonys face only to notice a large bruise under his left eye.

"You look like hell." They both said at the same time.

Octavia quickly pulled a few strains of hair to hide the cut on the side of her face. "You first O." He said as he looked down at his daughter.

"Tripped and fell." She lied smoothly, "What about you?"

"Bucky threw a good punch." He muttered embarrassed that his daughter had to see him hurt.

"Bucky as in Uncle Steves boyfriend?"


Octavia nodded , her hands still playing with her hair. "So what are you doing in town?"

"Well I need to talk to  a knew recruit." He said, "A young one, around your age I think." Tony walked towards the kitchen to grab quick drink to calm down his jitters of thinking what was gonna happen next.

IRONVOIDE | p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now