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Samajeez ^^

I had just turned 18 and was finally on my own, keep in mind I was human then. I had met him at a bar. He was sitting high and mighty in a chair, surrounded by adoring people. His power was evident as soon as I walked into the room. I couldn't look away from him.

Obviously then I had been so naive and didn't know a thing about the immortal creatures that hid in the shadows. He showed me the world through his eyes. It was love at first sight, even now I could feel emotions swirling through me with the threat of memories trying to burst through the surface. Memories of the way he had held me, how he had looked at me.

My eyes close briefly and I could almost feel his hands on my waist. His lips brushing mine. But that had all ended when he turned me. He lost interest as soon as I turned into a creature of the night. To do his bidding and when I refused, he had cast me out. Forgotten and alone I had sought out a family, that's when I eventually found Titan.

Angel was watching me, his grey eyes taking in my reaction. "If I do find him tell me you won't hesitate to kill him" he states and I didn't think I could answer that. I still had feelings for him, it was hard to let go.

"I won't" I answer but even I could hear the hesitation in my voice. Angel clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"I won't" I say firmly.

My gaze lands on the sinking sun. I watch Angel leave, his nose in the air, his dark grey eyes locked on the scenery.

I sit on the edge of a cliff starring down at the dark murky water below. The wind whistles and I swear I hear my name echo around me.

"Keller" it whispers caressing my ears softly. My head jerks to the side, this time I knew I heard it.

"Hello my dear" a voice says and I tense. The voice I was dreading to hear had finally made itself known. I knew that velvety voice anywhere, the way my name was said brought memories rushing to the surface.

"Samajeez" I say breathlessly starring at the man that still lived in my dreams. He looked just as gorgeous as I remember, his hair the same inky black, his eyes still the vibrant silver hue.

"You still look just as beautiful as the first day I saw you" he cooes caressing my cheek with cool fingertips.

I lean into him, missing this, missing him.

His lips skim my cheekbone, his tongue darting out to taste my skin.

"I miss the taste of you." He says and my arms surround his middle, pulling him closer.

He chuckles in my ear and my knees go weak. "I see I still affect you even after all these centuries. Last I heard you were with Titan." He says distaste evident in his words.

"I was" I say my face buried in the nape of his neck.

He snarls shoving me away from him. I blink startled at his sudden mood change.

"Of course you were" he says fixing the collar of his expensive jacket, smoothing his white shirt that fit snugly over the expanse of his wide chest.

I cross my arms over my chest, disgusted at myself for the way I had hung all over him.

"And is that wolf I smell lingering all over you?" He questions, something sinister glittering in his silver orbs.

"A stupid mutt wanted to wage war. But that's none of your concern" I say waving away his question with the flick of my hand.

"Oh and when did you, my dear, get a backbone. When we went our separate ways I remember you to be as fiesty as a kitten, but now you're as fiesty as a lioness. Tell me what's changed?" he inquires, interest flickering in his eyes.

"When you left alot of things changed" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's adorable really. Why do you think you can take me down, my dear ?" he asks a small smile curving the edges of his sensual, plump pink lips.

"Because I know I can" I say a challenge ringing in my words.

"You're very intriguing" he says pulling up the edges of the bottom of his pants before taking a seat, as if my challenge didn't matter.

"Come sit" he says offering a hand. Against my better judgement I take his hand and allow him to pull me into his lap. His hand caresses the front of my neck, his lips pressed against my ear, his other arm trapping my waist against him.

"I gave you immortality and trust me when I tell you I can easily take it back." He says running his sharp teeth against my neck before planting soft kisses up my jawline.

My body is paralyzed against his as he continues his assault against my neck. I tense as his teeth brush the spot between my neck and shoulder. I hiss as his teeth sink into the spot, his content growls building from his chest.

"Your turn, my dear" he says offering me his wrist, my eyes drawn to the pooling of the crimson red against the contrast of his pale skin. My teeth expand, my gums throbbing, my throat burning. He urges my head forward my tongue touching his blood. White, hot pleasure courses through me as my lips press against his skin, my mouth taking in as much of this sweet nectar as it could.

"That's it sweet Keller, drink" he says running his fingers through my hair. My mind becomes foggy, my eyelids growing heavy, until my head is falling back against his chest. My eyes close and the last thing I remember is feeling Samajeez lips on mine.

I groan as my eyelids flutter open, my mind still foggy. I take in the room, my eyes taking in the bed I was laying in. My clothes were not the ones I had on, the silky touch of them brushing my thighs as I stand.

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