Jersey shore here we come

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So miles are you still going to the Jersey shore Hunter said. Hell yeah the whole summer to fuck every girl or guy out in Jersey dame right. Oh I forget you were bi, but don't anything stupid you have a daughter. I know hunt and besides you saw me making out with Ethan at your birthday party.

Zig says bye to his parents and wife I'm leaving to the Jersey shore now. his wife says don't get too involved with drama there I'll be down there soon as she kissed her husband. Ok love you baby. Love you to and say hello to my brothers for me there.

Esme as she is in the car to the airport saying I'm going to the Jersey shore bitches.

Grace says bye to her mom as her boyfriend Jonah wait for her outside. Ok have fun and I'll take good care of Jonah and they baby. Ok mama Jonah is going to stay the night. Grace goes into the car and says hi baby. I'm gonna miss you while at the shore Jonah said. Yeah but you can visit be anytime you want. Well when I'm not working at the studio I sure will I'll bring our daughter to. Good but let's go we have a long drive ahead of us.

At Hollingsworth house

Come on Lola we need to go we are behind schedule and you want to see your boy toy. What who is my boy toy. Tiny. Haha he is with Shay still and I'm with saad and you know that. Ok if you say so and you know your ex will be there to.  I know as miles blushed. Oh you still love him don't you. Yeah if course I always will. Frankie walks in with her baby  to say bye to her brother and sister because Lola dad married their mom. Mola got into the car and said it is still weird that we slept together and our parents marry each other 3 years ago but I wouldn't change it any other way. I wouldn't change it either I love you more as my baby sister. Mola has been traveling for a while and than they see the signs for Jersey. I can't believe we have been driving for 8 hours already.

Tiny and zig have also been driving for a while and zig turns to tiny and said do you think we will be first this time. I don't know but we will see.

Zoe tells Tris that we have to go. I don't know if I'm going I don't want to leave Justine I'm gonna miss her. Oh no you don't you are not doing this to me Justine will be fine plus you know who will be there. I know that's also what I'm afraid of. So big deal that shouldn't stop you from having fun and don't use your daughter as an excuse. Fine your right is rasha gonna visit you while there. Of course when her photo shoot is over she will visit us. Ok zasssshhhhhaaaa will be in the house.

Zig is now driving and tiny gets a call from Shay. Hi baby I miss you so much. I will see you after my track meet and I made it into the Olympics. Omg my baby made it the Olympics zigs says congrats Shay bell. Will zig be ok if Esme is there. Yes I will be fine and I'm married to Frankie anyway so she has no choice to be ok with it if she shows up she left early last year remember. Ok we'll talk to you soon ok call me when you can. Ok Shay love you baby and give the kids a hug and kiss for me.

Thanks Dad for driving me to the airport.

So they are all on their way and wow zig married Frankie Lola is now a Hollingsworth and with saad. Triles have a child together. What kind of drama will go down on the Jersey shore.
Who will get there first.

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