smooshing or not

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Last call the bartender said. They had a few more drinks than tiny hailed a taxi. Nicole was trying to get in the cab with Miles and he turned to her and said nah I don't bring girls back to the house. But, I thought you were into me Miles? Nicole said.

Triles and the gang was piss ass drunk and when they got home Esme tried to get into bed with zig and try to hook up with him. As drunk as zig is he knew what she was trying to do so he yelled at her to get the fuck out of his bed. Oh zig you know you want some of this!  No I don't bitch plus I am happily married. Tiny than comes into his and zigs shared room and he turned to Esme and said get out of zigs bed he doesn't want you. Zoe than comes in and said you are such a hoe. Shut up bitch this doesn't concern you Esme said to Zoe.  When it comes to my friends it does so stop your hoeness  bitch. Esme goes to strike Zoe, but Zoe reacted and punched her in her nose as zig and tiny pulled Zoe off of Esme. Leave now Esme zig said.

Triles are so drunk but they decided to just snuggle in bed, but than they heard Zoe shouting at Esme so triles got up to see what the commotion was all about.

What the fuck is going on here I am trying to go to sleep. Shut up Tris and go fuck your ex some more oh wait you broke up because he fucked zig. Hey how the hell did I get into this conversation, first of all I'm not gay, secondly I never had any sex with any man, and third I'm married to his sister and happy. It's okay zig she is only talking out of her ass she is just jealous that nobody wants her slutty ass here, and bitch we broke up because I wanted him to persue his dream of writing Tristan said to Esme. Wow Tris is that what he told you, you are so gullible. Shut up bitch zig said. Zoe sucker punched Esme again.

Lola comes in and said miles what's going on I was trying to sleep you know. Nothing sis just go back to rest Miles said to her. Sis really since when Esme said. Not that it is your concern but his mom married my dad. Tris hit Miles and said wow practiclly your whole family is here. Esmeralda go back to Canada no one wants you here so leave the Jersey shore Zoe said. Whatever Esme said as she went to her room. Miles grabs Lola and kissed her forehead and said are you ok hun don't worry about her just go back to bed and rest you and the baby needs it. Your pregnant lo Tris said. Yes 8 weeks she said. The whole house went to her and congratulated her than they all went back to bed. Triles just snuggled in bed laughing at the night they just had.

The next morning Justine called to talk to her dad's because she missed them.
Good morning princess miles said. I wiss you Daddy, where's Dada? Right here baby want to speak to him. Wes pwese. Tris wake up. 5 more minutes Miles baby please. Justine is on the phone. Tris got up quick and said hi baby. Hi Dada I wiss you guys. Awe baby we miss you to, are you behaving for your grandparents. Yes Dada say bye to daddy as she hung up the phone. Just than Esme walked in and said awe you guys Smooshed huh?

Triles daughter is so cute. Did triles have sex? Is Esme right? More to come soon.
Until than enjoy and read on.
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