clubing at karma

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At karma Zoe and Tristan are dancing and drinking to. Gronah are dancing and having fun as well.

A girl named Nicole comes over to Miles to dance with at first he hesitated but he looked over at Tris and saw that he was now dancing with a random guy so Miles decided why not we all here to have fun.

Zoe smiled watching Tris dance with the guy as she came back with their drinks handed it to him and started dancing with Gronah because she didn't want to intrude with Tris dancing and having fun.

Zig and tiny are dancing to the house music pumping their hands in the air.

Esme was drinking heavily and was tipsy and she went over to Tris and said awe look at your baby's father he is getting it on with that cute girl. Shut up bitch and go fuck yourself. Whatever bitch Esme said as she walked off to grab another drink.

Nicole who was dancing with Mike's started kissing miles neck and Tris glanced over and he decided to pull the guy in for a deep make out session. Miles than pulls the girl to kiss her to on the dance floor.

Jonah said to Zoe and Grace it looks like Tristan and miles are getting jealous. You think so Zoe said. Watch them you will see as one does one thing the other one does something else.

Miles saw Tris twerking on the guy Mike and he started grinding on Nicole and kissing her again.....

Zoe said yeah look now I see what you mean. If they love each other and are getting jealous than why aren't they together than? I don't know but didn't miles get pregnant and got into a writing college and he took his mom and daughter with him because Tristan was not able to walk because of the bus crash. Yeah your right I forgot but still that was 5 years ago they need to man up and grow up and besides I'm sure my God daughter would want her parents together again. True zo but what kid wouldn't want their parents together. Your right Grace we just have to wait and see how the summer plays out.

Triles started moving closer and closer to each other. Than all of a sudden the guy that Tris was dancing with said let's go to the alley and fuck. No thanks I'll pass. Mike turns to him and said come on the way you were dancing with me grinding on me is getting hot and I know you want it. No I don't I said as he raised his voice louder to Mike. Miles over heard Tristan saying no and went to them and said excuse me what's going on here I believe Tris said no. This doesn't concern you pretty boy. Yes it does he's my friend so back the fuck away before I kick your ass.  Come Miles come back and dance with me and leave them be Nicole said. No I will not let anyone disrespect my friends. Mike shoved Miles and Miles shoved him back and a fight broke out. The gang saw what was going on they went to them and so did security and broke up the fight and told them to go outside now than asked what Happened miles explained and so the bouncer kicked out Mike out and banned him from the club. Nicole and triles head back inside.

Nicole pulled miles back to dance with her and Miles said I want to stay next to Tris and watch out for him. Oh that's fine he can dance with us if he wants. Sure why not Tristan said

So triles and Nicole are dancing. Nicole goes behind Miles and Miles goes behind Tristan making a human sandwich. Miles was getting hard and Tristan smiled and started grinding on miles crotch area. Miles turned Tristan around so they were facing each other and miles put his arms around Tristan. Triles was still grinding and smiling as well. Miles moaned and Nicole thought it was from her they grabbed more drinks and continued dancing Nicole started kissing Miles neck and Tris had his back again to miles crotch and Tris leaned his head on miles chest. Miles licked and sucked Tristan's neck and they moaned. Nicole smiled because she thought she was turning him on.

Zoe turned to Gronah and said look at Tris and miles. Holy cow Jonah said.

Last call the bartender said. The gang got one last drink than decided to go home.

Oh shit triles was getting hot for each other will they smoosh. Will miles bring Nicole home to smoosh.
Triles are jealous of each other awe
It is too sweet I think I have a
Tooth ache. Anywho comment me and let me know
What you think and see you soon on the the next Jersey shore.

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