Chapter 13: Someone else?

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~Emily's POV~
Me, the buds and Tom were just hanging out during lunch when they heard shouting from across the courtyard.
"STOP HITTING ME! " And "PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" Were being shouted by a girl whom Emily had seen in form.
Her name was Robyn, and she was often picked on for a number of different reasons. Her hair, the fact that she blond, her being seemingly oblivious and a lot more stuff. She also always advertised her favourite band, TwentyOne Pilots.  The group heard it looked over and then went back to chatting.
"Guys what are you doing?!" I exclaimed.
"What does it look like we're doing?" Tom said lazily.
"NOTHING! That's why I'm so upset!" I shouted at them while I was running over to help Robyn. As I got closer I could see who was bullying her; three guys and one girl. Their male's names were Mark, Adam and James and the girl was Taylor. Ugh, who didn't know Taylor. I know her and I've been here less then a week. She picks on girls she thinks are pretty and tells them they're ugly. She tells the people who she thinks are ugly and tells them 'I'm sure as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.' She is someone who I usually would just try to stay out the way of, but she is telling her little crew to hit Robyn. Time to put that spy training to work. I swung my right arm at Mark's face and put my left one out to the side to stop Adam hitting me. I kicked James in his privates and just starred at Taylor with my eyes narrowed. She looked at me mortified and ran off. I turned to Robyn.
"You k?" I asked, though I knew the answer
"Yeah yeah sure OK thanks. Where did you learn those moves?" She asked, rubbing her now bruised arm.
"At a um, private school? With my parents? Yeah, at a private school with my parents!" I didn't think about if anyone asked me about my skills.
"What does it say on your shirt? LS#1? Wait, your LS#1! Shoot um, I'VE GOTTA GO FEED MY CAT!" She ran off. In the meanwhile I turned to see Mark, Adam, James and Taylor talking to my friends.
"Yo, you guys gotta help us! Some girl just came over and punched Mark in the face, twisted Adam's arm, kicked James in the nuts and she glared at me!" I came over just in time to hear Taylor say that. "Why are you deliberately coming after us!? What did we ever do to you?"
"Um, I'm not deliberately coming after you. I just came over to ask my friends something." I replied with simply.
"Sup mah' girl? You deal with bullies over there?! Is that Robyn girl OK?" Tommy asked, not realizing.
"Ye." I said simply, waiting for Taylor to explode.
"WHAT?! WE AREN'T BULLIES! WTF TOM!?" Taylor shouted at Tommy.
"WOAH! Calm down gurl! Take a chill pill, Cuz' I never said you were bullies. Jeez!"
"Wait that was you guys? Well then, yes I'm calling you guys bullies."
"You're bullies. B U L L I E S. Bullies."
"Would you mind not swearing? Some of the readers may not like it. Also my that friend that came over and delt with you guys is my girlfriend." I came and sat next to him at that point. "So buzz off, will ya?"
"What a story Mark, now go away." Tom replied. I glared at Mark, Adam and James and Taylor and they all ran off, scared out of their skin. Everyone else sighed at Tommy's reference, but I just sat there thinking about Robyn.
"She seemed to now what LS#1 stood for... She got scared as soon as she realised what my shirt said." I accidentally said aloud.
"We should tell dawn that!" Tommy said instantly.
"I was planning on doing just that. Don't you worry." With that the bell went and we headed to our last lessons.

New School, Old Faces.   A NewScapeGang and Aphmau FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora