❅ | P r o l o g u e | ❅

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Maybe one day, I'll be what you need. But don't wait too long... Because the day you want me, may be the day I've finally given up...❞

❅ | P r o l o g u e | ❅


     THE INSTANT JACE STEPPED THROUGH THE INSTITUTE, Alina took her chance and tugged Jace to a vacant corridor.

     "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He replied, with confusion and concern, as she gazed at him with an emotion he couldn't identify.

     "Jace... I've been attempting to tell you this for a while now... Only I didn't have the courage to say it... So, here it goes..." Inhaling deeply, she proceeded.

     "Jace... I love you. I fell in love with you the moment I met you, even if you never took a second glance at me. But nonetheless, I hope you feel the same way, about me..." Jace was so bewildered, that he couldn't utter a single word. So, Alina did the only thing she could think of in that moment, she kissed him. When she noticed he wasn't reciprocating her kiss, she wanted to put an end to what she thought was his misery.

     Before she could, Jace swiftly held her close and passionately returned the kiss with urges he never knew he had. Not a moment later, he abruptly let her go; as if she was a scorching fire burning his skin. The emotion that took a hold on his face, shattered her heart. As she glanced up gazing into his now darkened blue eyes, she wished she'd kept her feelings to herself, as now she had the answer to her own question. He didn't love her back.

     "What are you doing!? I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way about you! So don't you ever kiss me again. You got it?" Alina sadly nodded. She had a strong urge to sprint, hide and weep her heart out. But she held it in. "Good, now, if you excuse me I have more urgent business to take care of."

     Moments later, without him noticing, she quietly followed him to the Ops Center, where many shadowhunters worked on a daily basis.

     "These tunnels are swarming with Shax demons. If she's down there, it's only a matter of time before they find her. We need to make sure that doesn't happen." Alina hid behind a panel as she observed Jace barking orders to anyone who will listen.

     "All right, listen up. I want this entire Institute on high alert. I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take full responsibility. Right now Clary is the only thing that matters." Those words were like knives stabbing through her heart... over and over and over.

     "Jace!" Clary appeared at the top of the stairs, and he turned to her with an astonished gaze.

     "Clary." Clary swiftly ambles toward Jace, and unexpectedly embraces him. When he returns the embrace, Alina stood, up to this time, hid behind the panel observing them as her heart slowly shattered.

     "I did it. I got the Cup."

     "I don't care about the Cup. When I came out of the tunnels, I didn't see you. I was worried something might have happened..." In those moments she couldn't breathe, and his words only made it worse. Why couldn't he love her like he loved Clary?

     "There was a demon. Shapeshifter. It looked just like you." How could she have failed to notice that Clary, her best friend, was likewise in love with Jace?

     "You all right?" He even cared for her wellbeing, as for her he never even took a glance at her since she arrived.

     "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." She replies, a bit shaken up.

     "And the demon?"

     "I sent him straight back to hell." Clary proudly informs him. Why couldn't she be as brave as Clary? She wasn't even a Shadowhunter like her best friend, just a stupid mundane. It's no surprise Jace never liked her.

     "How'd you know it wasn't me?" Jace questions her with curiosity.

     "I just knew."

     "Really? Kind of a risk, wasn't it?" He was stunned, by the fact of the risk she'd taken.

     "Well, this may come as a surprise, but I actually do listen to some of the things you tell me. You just have to pay attention to the details." Alina held her tears, as she peered at her best friend succeeding in obtaining the man she loved.

     "Yeah, well, I told you the first time we met, you have the Sight. You're a Shadowhunter, just like the rest of us." Jace looked to his left, briefly glancing into her grey eyes before Clary swiftly collides her lips to Jace's. Instantly Jace responded with swiftness, pleasure, and passion; as she watched them from afar with silent tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't bare the sight of her only friend kissing her one true love. It was an unbearable glance, as she was crumbling apart inside-out.

     That night Alina cried herself to sleep, with no one to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. With every day that passed, she hardly stepped out of her room. One night, she recovered her memories that she'd never known she'd lost. All but one.

     So, each day as the evening starts to set, the ache builds in her chest. She knows that she must go to bed, and try to get some rest. But the thought of reliving her father's death brought tears to her beautiful grey eyes. She hugs her tearstained pillow close when no one is around. And cries for those she loved and lost, and screams without a sound.

     Others see her in the day and think she's doing well. But every day as evening sets, she enters her own hell. Time hasn't healed her pain at all or quieted her fears. So every night, alone in bed she sheds those silent tears.

❅ | V O T E. C O M M E N T. S H A R E | ❅

I hope you liked the prologue, please tell me what you think. Be honest. Don't be shy. It will help me write better, and correct my mistakes:)


Mia0525 | B L A C K H E A R T

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