❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ S i x | ❅

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❝When we first met, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I didn't have the time or energy and I didn't think I was ready for it; but you were so good to me and I got swept up in that and little by little, I found myself falling for you.

❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ S i x | ❅


     IT WAS MID-DAY WHEN A PORTAL OPENED in the midst of the Brocelind Forest and an unconscious, pale-blonde, girl dropped face-planted on the snowy forest ground. Her sudden appearance caught the attention of the Clave and the Council, and they sent their foremost soldiers to investigate—amongst them was Jace Wayland. Searching vigorously in the forest, Jace caught a glimpse of golden lock hair buried in the snow. He called upon his companions and immediately dug out the girl. He quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around her before encircling his arms beneath her legs and back, carrying her gracefully in the snowstorm toward Alicante with his companions following close behind.

     "We need to hurry! The storm is only getting worse by the minute, and this girl is clearly suffering from hypothermia!" Jace shouted over the strong vigorous wind. "She needs to be treated immediately or she won't survive the night!"

     Jace tucked the girl closer to his chest as they traveled across the yards of snow—heading toward Alicante. With struggles of the cold vicious wind, they arrived with Jace swiftly palm scanning—allowing entry access to Alicante. Not wasting a second, Jace swiftly took the unconscious girl to the infirmary and it was not long before it was noticed. Soon the Silent Brothers arrived to treat the mysterious girl, who appeared out of thin air.

     They proceeded to remove the cold wet clothing, changing her into further appropriate attire. Then bundled her with several blankets before the Silent Brothers continued the processes of healing. It took extended hours and close observation before the girl was off the critical list.

     A very impatient Jace stood outside the door—occasionally pacing—having demanded several times to see her. Of course, he wasn't given permission to enter, that irritated him to no end. He couldn't understand why he was so desperate to see a girl he's never spoken to. She wasn't even awake and already she's weaseled her way under his skin. I just can't get her off my mind.

     Meanwhile, in the infirmary, the girl commenced stirring awake as her eyes fluttered open. With confusion as to where she was, the girl slowly sat up taking in her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was going through the portal, after that nothing. The sound of the door opening broke her train of thoughts, and a dark-haired woman clothed in sophisticated attire swiftly walked in.

     The woman stood at the foot of the bed as the girl continuously gazed at the strange woman with uncertainty. "I'm so glad to see you awake and well. You gave us quite the scare when you appeared out of nowhere in your state of health." The woman let out a sigh and steadily sauntered toward the bed. She took a seat at the edge of the mattress as the girl pulled her legs to her chest.

     "Can you tell me why you came here?" Even as the nice lady spoke to her softly, the girl continued to feel heedful, she didn't know who was trustworthy. So instead she sought information. "I'm looking for a woman named Imogen Herondale, I'll only speak to her."

     The woman quickly sensed the stubbornness in her voice. She sighed and reluctantly agreed. "Very well, I'll have her sent up. But first, let's get you settled in if you'll follow me please." The girl sauntered behind the woman out the entry—through several vacant corridors—until she halted and opened a door as a gesture for her to enter.

     Before the woman retrieved, she uttered. "She'll be with you in a moment."

     The girl didn't hesitate to look around—there were books, antiques, and a four-poster bed. It resembled any bedroom, only fancier and adequate.

     She had no idea what to expect after seeking the woman her father knew and trusted. People can be unpredictable, you never know what to expect, especially when you belong to two different non-human worlds.

     Her entire life has revolved around isolation, fear, and danger. It's only natural for her to feel distrustful toward everyone. She was raised and trained to always keep her guard up no matter the circumstances. Being forbidden to never use her abilities or ever get close to anyone, can take a heavy toll on any.

     After a frustrating sigh, the girl grew tired of waiting and decided to get answers on her own. She swiftly sauntered toward the door and swung it open at the precise moment Jace did. Who had been pacing impatiently in the vacant corridor for the last fifteen minutes, debating whether or not he should enter after consequently locating her room.

     They both collided, causing them to merely stumble and accidentally kiss. Being centimeters apart, with just the mere touch of his lower lip softly grazing against her lips—and the mingling of their subtle breathing—she already felt intoxicated. The girl couldn't find the ability to speak as she continuously gazed into his blue eyes. The heat and tension proceeded to increase as he gazed thoughtlessly into her bright grey eyes.

     Several moments later, they snapped out of their fixated gaze; much to their delight. "I'm Jace." It took her longer to process what he'd said, before replying in jitters. "I-I'm... uh... Alina."

     With Imogen walking in on their most opportune moment, they swiftly broke apart; keeping several feet of distance between them. It didn't take long before she realizes what she'd interrupted, only she kept it to herself. "I believe it's time for us to talk, I'm sure you have so many questions but let's commence with your father. There are so many things you still don't know, things your father kept from you for your own protection and you're not going to like it."

❅ | V O T E. C O M M E N T. S H A R E | ❅

I'm so sorry I took so long to update:)


Mia0525 | B L A C K H E A R T

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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