❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ O n e | ❅

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There is a difference between being a leader and being a boss. Both are based on authority. A boss demands blind obedience; a leader earns his authority through understanding and trust.

❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ O n e | ❅


     I BREATHED IN THE GARDEN-FRESH AIR, as I sauntered through the numerous pathways of the institute's greenhouse. The Perennials, Roses, and Tropical plants captured my attention, as I slowly took in the beauty of nature that surrounds. I acknowledged their voices while observing the various plants that encircled me. No-one has seen, heard, or been in contact with me since the day I left. Shortly after Simon joined, I took the liberty of quoting some resembled truth of what I went through the last several of weeks.

     "They say the passage of time will heal all wounds. But, the greater the loss, the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again. The pain may fade, but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering and make the bearer all the more resolved never to be wounded again.

     Love can heal a wounded soul. We all have scars from our past. Scars on wrists and throats can be healed with time, but there are some scars which are much deeper than those on the body. They are the scars on our hearts, minds and on our souls which take a long time to heal.

     And no matter what anyone says about grief and time healing all wounds, the truth is, there are certain sorrows that never fade away; until the heart stops beating and the last breath is taken."

     Clary observed me in bewilderment as if she'd caught a glimpse of a ghost. The others followed suit, as I'd sauntered through the countless plants that surround. Jocelyn walked toward me and unexpectedly embraced me. I took notice of Luke, before returning his smile.

     "Alina... What are you doing here? Clary told me you had left weeks ago." Stepping back from her embrace, I smiled and took in her features. She hasn't changed a bit since I'd last seen her. Up to this time, she proceedingly retained those motherly angelic features.

     "I'd gone through difficult times here... and once I'd regained my memories I had to leave. I couldn't stay here.'' Honestly, I don't think it was the best choice returning. My gut feeling continuously informs me I might regret my decisions in the future. But they don't need to know that.

     "Well, I'm glad you decided to return. I was becoming concerned as to why you weren't here with Clary." Jocelyn gave me one of her motherly stern looks, the one and only she gives Clary when she's concerned.

     I smiled softly, but before I had a chance to reply Clary interfered. "What matters is that she's back. And she's not leaving anytime soon. Am I right?" I nodded, before pulling her into an embrace.

     "I'm glad your back. I'm missed my best friend." I tightened my embrace before Simon cleared his throat.

     "I thought I was your best friend?" Clary and I pulled away exchanging a look before we began chuckling.

     Ignoring Simon, I turned back to Clary. "By the way, I missed you too." The sound of Simon clearing his throat, had me laughing once more. "And I also missed you too Simon... how could I forget my guy best friend?" He sheepishly smiled, before pulling me into an embrace. Our moment was cut short with Clary's cell phone chiming. And the look on her face said it wasn't good news.

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