❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ T w o | ❅

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There's always a lucky punch in life so never let your guard down

❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ T w o | ❅

     A FEW HOURS LATER, THE SUN WAS—until now—high in the sky. After the chaos in the ops center, not long afterward Clary and Isabelle confronted me; asking for an explanation. So I gave them one, I explained that after my father died my brother and I inherited the title of Clave members. And the only reason I'd returned was that I'd been instructed to supervise Victor Aldertree in his temporary leadership at the New York Institute. They comprehended that I was here on orders, although it took Clary longer to grasp the idea of me being a shadowhunter along with being a member of the Clave.

     During our discussion, I informed Clary and Isabelle the reason why the Clave has me supervising Victor Aldertree. The Clave doesn't trust him after the stunt he pulled several months ago, while my father remained alive. He attempted to sabotage my father's title as Clave member for himself. Fortunately, the Clave took my father's word as evidence against Aldertree and forbid him from ever contacting or interacting with any Clave member—until now.

     In pursuit of finding Jace, Isabelle and I discussed we needed Clary to somehow leave the Institute without causing attention or getting caught since she was on Institute lockdown. We lead Clary to the training room, the plan was to inform Clary without advising her directly—given that Aldertree was retaining a close eye.

     "Come on, let's do this." Izzy and I agreed to work on physical training and sparring with Clary. Izzy walks over to the training weapons and tosses Clary a stave, as I observe until she and I commenced sparring.

     Isabelle positions herself facing opposite of her. Then lashes her electrum-laced whip, startling Clary, converting it similarly to a stave. "Do what? You seriously want to train right now? We have to find Jace before Victor gets him killed."

     "Training's important. So, pay attention to what I'm about to show you." Twirling the staves, the girls commence pacing and sparring, before the fighting and grunting. They took a brief pause and Clary embarked on with more force before Izzy knocked her off her feet—catching her off guard.

     "You need to watch your footwork." Still hovering over Clary, Isabelle murmured. "Aldertree threatened to de-rune me if I tried to find Jace."

     Clary sighed in anger before Isabelle gave her a hand. "So, how do we get to him?"

     "Let's go again." Isabelle dodged her question and warily glanced at Aldertree before they commenced. With a grunt, Clary went off rough and Isabelle nearly struck her down.

     "Have you studied The Art of War?" Isabelle questioned Clary, as they taunted each other.

     "That was not on the reading list at art school." Clary sassed, as she was clearly annoyed that Isabelle had the upper hand.

     "You should learn it. Sun Tzu gives excellent advice." They both got in position and commenced rough.

     With a handful of hits, blocking and grunts; Clary managed to comply an impressive move, which Isabelle effortlessly dodged. "Like what?"

     " 'Move swift as the wind and closely-formed as the Wood. Attack like Fire.' But my favorite..." Isabelle blocked moves and caught Clary off guard once more, knocking her off her feet and landing with a grunt. " 'To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.' " Izzy stood over Clary in victory, as she pointed her weapon not letting her make a move.

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