❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ F o u r | ❅

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In the end you always go back to the people that were there in the beginning.

❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ F o u r | ❅

     I CROUCHED IN FRONT OF CLARY, AS tears welled in her eyes. "Clary you're not the only one to feel like you don't belong," She breathed in a quivering breath.

     "How would you know, you're a Clave member, you're exactly where you belong." I sighed, grasping Clary's hand.

     "It wasn't always that way Clary, I went through difficulties before I met you—at the time it seemed endless. It took hard work and patience to get to where I'm at."

     "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." She apologized.

     I stood up and sat beside her. "It's fine."

     As I continued to comfort Clary, Isabelle walked in. "Hey, Clary, all those things Alec said about you... you know I don't feel that way."

     "You have every right to," She dejectedly glanced at Isabelle.

     "None of this is your fault. Alec, he's stressed out. With his parabatai gone, he's like a different person." I breathe in deeply as Izzy continuously justified Alec for his previous actions.

     "Alec's right. I'm not one of you." Izzy crouched beside Clary, "I'm just some girl from Brooklyn who went out to celebrate her birthday and came back with a present she never wanted."

     Clary inhales sharply as Isabelle puts a comforting hand on her arm. "And can't return."

     "You don't want to return that present. It's a blessing." Several tears streamed down Clary's reddened cheeks.

     "Not for me. I just... I want to feel normal again, Isabelle. I... I want my old life back."

     "I'm sure. But don't you get it? You have a target on your back. The Institute is the safest place for you. You have a new life now. You have me and Alina. And that's not gonna change." Isabelle stood up, giving Clary a comforting smile, and stepped out of the room.

     "Clary, you don't have the slightest idea how difficult it was for me when I walked in the Institute. No-one excepted me. I was told to be an abomination, a disgrace to the Nephilim, but with time I found my place and so will you." I embraced Clary before walking out of her room to give her the space she needs.

     I received a text from Simon stating that he needed to meet me at Magnus's apartment. Sauntering to my bedroom, I lock the door then stood in front of my large mirror. Gently, I touched the glass with my finger creating water ripples throughout the entire mirror. I amble through the reflecting surface as if it were a door.

    Magnus was momentarily startled at the sudden sight of me stepping out of my portal. "Would you please stop that." I chuckled delightedly.

     "That never gets old." I grin, as Magnus gradually smiles.

     Not a second later, Simon stepped out of a portal quickly holding himself on a glass table. "You didn't tell me Portal travel was gonna make me wanna barf."

     Magnus closed the portal with the snap of his fingers, then continued to mash his ingredients. "You'll get used to it," He smirked.

     "Hopefully sooner than later."

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