❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ T h r e e | ❅

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Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it'll always get you the right ones.

❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ T h r e e | ❅

     WE ALL WENT ARE SEPARATE WAYS THE moment we set foot at the Institute. I chose to follow Clary, as Jocelyn attempted to clarify her previous actions. "Clary, please let me explain."

     I swiftly walked alongside Clary to the training room, with Simon lingering behind, as her mother angrily attempted to gain her attention. "Clary. Clary, stop!"

     "What is wrong with you? We almost had him back." She confronted. I didn't intervene, as it was not my place.

     "You don't understand."

     "You're right, I don't. I don't understand why you would try to kill my brother." She turned her back on her mom, while I stood by watching silently.

     "Because your brother, he's not who you think he is. Honey, there's still so much you don't know." And who's fault is that?

     "Oh, and whose fault is that? Everyone says that Valentine is the monster, but you... You just tried to murder your own son!" Things got so heated up, that you can feel the enraged tension in the room.

     "Hey, maybe we should take a deep breath and relax." Simon swiftly—but carefully—approached, trying to ease the tension.

     "Simon, give us some space, please." Jocelyn politely stated, not trying to be rude. But that didn't stop Simon from looking at her in disappointment. I feel so bad for him, he was only trying to help.

     "Sure thing, Mrs. F." He stepped back—to his original position—giving them some space.

     "No. No, you're not going anywhere. You and Alina are the only people I can trust right now." Clary glared at her mother, for the way she'd treated Simon. That being said, he and I looked at her and Jocelyn not wanting to intercede—as the tension grew thicker by the second.

     "I want you to know I'm a victim here, too. We all are." Jocelyn walked farther into the room, before turning to look at the three of us.

     "When I was pregnant with your brother, Valentine drugged me. He did an experiment on the baby." To say I was shocked is an understatement.

     "What?" Clary gazed in astonishment.

     "He injected Jonathan with demon blood."

     "Why would he do that?" Clary and I asked simultaneously.

     "He's sick. He thought demon blood would make our unborn child strong." Jocelyn scoffed, as she walked toward Clary. "And it did. But it also made him evil."

     "No, even if that's true, Downworlders have demon blood. They're not all bad." Clary spoke in denial, as Simon nodded in agreement.

     "Clary, you have no idea how much I loved your brother. He was my baby boy. And I didn't want to believe it until I saw what he was capable of." Jocelyn looked to be on the verge of tears, before activating her rune and taking a hold of mine and Clary's hand.

     My vision turned white, as I saw multiple flashes of memories. It took seconds before my vision cleared and I saw young Jocelyn carrying Jonathan as she walked toward a rose bush in the garden. While she kneeled down—using pliers—to cut some flowers, Jonathan began fussing.

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