❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ F i v e | ❅

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❝Seeing him again after so long awakened something inside me. I was surprised to find myself feeling sad rather than joyful, as I would have imagined.❞

❅ | C h a p t e r ➳ F i v e | ❅

     I SAID MY FAREWELLS TO SIMON AND Magnus, then portaled to the Institute. I realized the note was still in my pocket and flicked my hand—opening a portal with a swish. I was outside of the Institute at exactly eight pm, to meet the mysterious person. As I stood in the dark, I felt a hand on my shoulder and my instincts kicked in. I grasped the hand twisting it—in an odd angle—then earned a yelp from the stranger before I flipped him and kept his arm fixated on his back.

     "Hey! It's me! It's me!" I immediately let go when I realized who it was.

     "Will, what are you doing here!? I thought you were in Idris!" I exclaimed while helping him stand.

     "You know, If I'd known this was how you were going to react I wouldn't have come." He stated, whilst rubbing his shoulder.

     I rolled my eyes before pulling him into a hug. "I've missed you, big brother."

     "So have I, we haven't seen each other in months." He tightened his embrace.

     "How are Arabella and the twins?" I questioned, releasing him.

     "They're doing great. The girls just started their Shadowhunter training." He beamed, looking so proud. It was undeniable.

     "That's amazing. I can't believe their growing up so fast." I grinned.

     "I know. Before we know it they'll be off on their first mission." We continued to catch up when I noticed a figure standing behind William. Just as I was about to warn him, the figure came to view and I gasped whilst a grin plastered on my lips.

     "Oh my god! You're here!" I squealed, running into his arms. He picked me up spinning me as I laughed in delight.

     "I missed you too kiddo." He chuckled, setting me down.

     "Great! I get a dislocated shoulder and you get a delightful embrace." Will stated sarcastically, crossing his arms.

     "That's what you get for sneaking up on her." Uncle John chuckles as Will rolled his eyes.

     We sauntered to the institute and I helped my uncle and brother settle in their sleeping arrangements, then called it a night. Turning on my nightstand lamp, I get ready to sleep, then I lie on my side. I gaze at various photographs—on my phone—consisting of a guy kissing a girl affectionately. That girl was me and Jonathan. The photos were taken weeks before he passed away.

     Glancing through several photos, I halt at one with me embracing a newborn baby girl. Tears cascade down my cheeks as I hold in a sob. He never got to meet her. Jonathan never got the chance to meet his daughter.

     The next morning, I woke up and changed into a sports bra and shorts then headed to the training room. After an hour of punching and kicking a standing sandbag, I was interrupted by my brother.

     "You're an early bird, aren't you?" He specified, as I continuously kicked the sandbag.

     Proceeding to ignore him, he caught on and let out a sigh. "Shall you elaborate me on who is Jace and why he's with Valentine?" He inquired, and I halted my workout.

     Breathing heavily—with sweat trickling down my body—I turn to my attention to Will. "Sure." I drank some water, then turned to leave. "Let's go."

     We entered the Ops Center and commenced using the advanced multi-touch monitors. I displayed a photograph of Jace Wayland for Will to see. "Not too long ago he was given the dead or alive order after his departure with Valentine. I'm not certain why he did it, I just know his alliance with Valentine." I explained, displaying him information regarding Jace on the transparent touch-screen monitor.

     I glanced at William, then did a double-take. "Why the pale face? You appear as if you've seen a ghost." I inquired, with confusion.

     "No reason." He replied, nonchalantly.

     I furrow my eyebrows with uncertainty. "What-"

     "So tell me why Jace Wayland has Aldertree riled up?" He interrupted. Brushing it off, I informed him; keeping him up to date before departing to alter my appearance.

     Later that day, Isabelle caught me up on Alec's previous actions then we met up with Clary; as she had something important to inform us. She told us Dot was alive and that she kidnapped her; taking her to a ship where Jace and Valentine were situated. Then as soon as she got to the Institute, she was sent to Aldertree's 'temporary' office. Where she had lied to him about knowing information regarding Jace.

     "I can't believe you lied to Aldertree." Isabelle murmured to Clary, as we hid from prying ears.

     "I couldn't let him go after Jace like he did before." Clary continued to look out for anyone who might be listening, as she explained.

     "So Dot took down the wards and you two jumped off the ship together?" Isabelle doubtfully asked.

     "Yeah, but as soon as we hit the water, the tide was so strong. We lost each other... I looked everywhere. I couldn't find him." Clary suddenly realized something, "Wait, if he and Alec are going through the same thing, he wouldn't be able to swim. He could be-"

     "No. Jace is alive. If he were dead, Alec's parabatai rune would have faded." Isabelle confidently specified.

     "So that's good news, right?"

     "Yeah. But I don't know how much time Alec has left." Isabelle sighs anxiously, "Jace might be his only hope, and for all we know Valentine and the Circle have already found him."

     "Look, Isabelle... Jace is the strongest person I know. We're gonna find him. I promise." Isabelle sighs once more, as Clary reassured her.

     "But Clary, you do realize that this has consequences, right?" I addressed the obvious.

     "What are you saying, are you going to turn me in?" Clary uneasily asked, considering I'm a Clave member.

     "What, No! Of course not! All I'm saying is that at some point he's going to find out." I sighed deeply, crossing my arms, "Let's just hope he doesn't."

     That night, Aldertree informed me of Jace's location and we agreed to retrieve him. I opened a portal and we sauntered through Magnus's loft with a couple of shadowhunters. I instantly noticed Alec, perfectly fine, embracing Jace. Aldertree then declared Jace's sentence. "Jace Wayland! You are hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason and aiding Valentine in the war against the Clave."

     At the sound of Aldertree's voice, the entire room turned to face us. Jace stood facing Aldertree with astonishment at the sight of me standing with authority after not seeing me in several weeks. Alec attempted to sit up but failed as he had no clue what was going on. "Wait, what... What the hell is going on?"

     Jace turned to Alec. "It's all right, Alec. All that matters is you're back." The two shadowhunters took a hold of Jace and we walked out of Magnus's loft. Aldertree gave me a look and I flicked my hand clockwise opening a portal, leaving Jace once again confused and astonished. We went through and stepped out into the dark entrance hall of the City of Bones, commencing the fate of Jace Wayland.

❅ | V O T E. C O M M E N T. S H A R E | ❅

Any thoughts? No? okay:)


Mia0525 | B L A C K H E A R T

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