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*Zayn's P.O.V.*

I sigh in frustration and slam the door behind me. Perrie and I had fought again, over something stupid. We'd been doing that too much lately, and I didn't know how to make it stop. 

I lay down on my bed, shutting my eyes and drifting into sleep.

I wake up a few hours later to the sound of laughing and talking coming from down the hall, causing me to sigh and get up from my bed. I pull a shirt over my head and comb back my messy black hair before opening the door. 

I walk down the hallway to find everyone: Liam, Louis, Niall, harry, Eleanor, and Briella: all sitting around the television. My eyes connect with Briella, who stares back at me before rolling her eyes. I shake my head angrily and move towards the kitchen, opening the fridge and reaching for an energy drink, popping the tab and gulping it down.

I sit uncomfortably with everyone for a while, answering questions here and there but ignoring most everything, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Briella.

"We need to talk." She whispers. I roll my eyes and get up, following her to the empty kitchen.

"What is your problem with me Zayn. I've done nothing to you and you've been cruel since the day we met." She says, anger tipping her voice. I sigh and look down at my hands.

"Answer me." She snaps. My eyes move back up to face her.

"I don't have a problem with you Briella." I say. My voice is monotone. I don't know why I dislike her so much, I just do. 

"Bullshit." She says, obviously getting more annoyed, which makes my face twitch into a smirk. "What the hell is so funny?" She snaps. I shake my head.

"Nothing. It's just nice to see some other emotion out of you, other than your ridiculous googly eyes to Harry." I say, my voice tinged with cruelty. I see her jaw tense up and her hands clench up. 

"I just don't get you Zayn." She says, exhaustion clear in her voice.

"There's nothing to get Briella."

"Yes there is! I just want to know why you hate me so much."

"I don't hate you."

"It sure as hell seems like it."

"Well I don't. I don't particularly like you either, but I don't hate you." I hear her sigh before she kicks the chair back and stomps back towards the living room. I pop my fingers and shuffle the chair back into place before heading out towards the balcony. I pull the pack of cigarettes from my pocket, lighting one and breathing in the smoke. I exhale and sit on the lounge chair.

I really don't hate her. I don't like her. But I don't hate her. I just wish... Why does everything always have to be so complicated. 

*Briella's P.O.V.*

My body shakes with anger and frustration. Why does he always have to be so cruel! Why can't he just talk to me like a normal civilized person? 

I sigh before gulping down a glass of water, turning around to see Harry in front of me.

"You scared me." I say. He chuckles pulling me into his arms. I sigh into his chest, closing my eyes and breathing in his smell.

"What were you talking with Zayn about?" He says, pulling away and looking down at me. 

"I just wanted to ask him something. Don't worry." I lean up and kiss his cheek, smiling when he pulls me back into his arms, kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back softly.

He reaches down for my hand, leading me back out to the living room. I sit in between Harry and the edge of the couch, half watching the show, half thinking about the words Zayn said. 

What did I ever do to get on his bad side anyway? I've hardly said more that two words to him until today.  I sigh and try to focus on the show playing on the television, but my phone rings, allowing me to leave the room and answer.


"Bri?" The voice is familiar.

"Lindsey?" I say, my voice getting excited.

"Hey you! How's London?" She asks. I shrug, making a weird noise into the phone.

"It's alright, rainy most days, but usually sunny. How's Portland?"

"It's Portland. So like London I guess. So I have something to tell you..." I feel my eyebrows clench together, trying to think of anything that would be important.

"What's up?"

"Well.... Logan, he uh...." She pauses and I feel my heart pound in my chest. "He's back."

"He's there with you?" My hands start to shake as I say the words. 

"Yeah... He came back a few days ago, I just didn't know how to tell you.."

"Can I talk to him? Maybe I can come back-"

"I don't know if you want to..."

"Why not? What's wrong with him?" 

"He was in therapy for about a year and a half, he still gets like, these flashbacks or something. But now, he started fighting..."

"What do you mean fighting?"

"He does like, cage fighting? Boxing or whatever. He's just a lot different now."

"So? I want to see him." I say. I will go home, just to see my brother. 

"Alright..." Lindsey says. We say our goodbyes and I rush towards the study, logging into the computer and going to a travel site, pulling up tickets to Portland. 

My attention is pulled up from the computer as the door to the study closes. Harry stands in front of me, a confused look in his eyes.

"What's going on Briella?" He asks.

"My brother is home. I'm going to see him." His eyes widen.

"When did he come back?"

"A few days ago. Lin said he was in therapy for a while and just showed up at her house one day." 

"Maybe I can come with you...?" He says, his eyes trailing down to face the computer. I think for a second, about the risk of bringing Harry with me to Portland. The mobs, the crowds. I don't think I could handle it. "But you don't think it's a good idea..." He shakes his head at my thoughts. 

How bad could it really be? As long as he stays out of public, and keeps his head down.. It could work. 

"What are you smiling about over there?" He asks. I look back up at him, before turning back to my screen.

"You really wanna come?" He nods. "Then go pack." He grins and leans over the desk, kissing my forehead before turning out of the room.

I'm left alone for only a few moments when Liam enters the study.

"What does he seem so cheery about?" He asks, pointing out the door. I giggle.

"I'm going back home for a few days, and I told him he could come with." He nods his head slowly before sitting next to me at the desk.

"You sure that's a good idea? I'm sure there's plenty of pap and such. You're gonna be okay?" He asks.

"We'll make it work. I hope." I feel that little voice of doubt in the back of my head, telling me that this is a horrible idea and that I should just sneak out without him. Liam stands, patting my shoulder before exiting the room.

"We'll be fine. Everything is going to be fine." I say to myself, purchasing the tickets, and going to find Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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