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Day 65

The day Saffron Walters looked me in the eyes again.

You came into the café again, as you have been doing so routinely without a fail. You ordered your drink and you thanked me. Today was different, the sorrow in your eyes never faded, I could at last see the colour returning to your face. You said my name as you thanked me and it sent a shiver down my spine, having the privilege to hear my name on your lips.

On my break, I came and sat beside you, saying nothing for a moment but soon enough reaching for your hand to hold. You closed your book, neatly setting it to the side of the table, you rested your head on my shoulder. You had been reading the same chapter for the past few weeks now, and I knew your mind wanted to be taken away by the words just like before but instead there was always something else that occupied it.

By now it was autumn, the leaves fell to the ground in all shades of your favourite colour. We watched a little girl outside, enjoying the season that made everyone else feel lonely. She laughed and you smiled too. I could see just how badly you've wanted to smile and I've never wanted anything more for you.

It hadn't been more than a couple months, but I knew I loved you then. How I'd give up every happy memory of mine just so you could have a new one of your own, how I prayed to see you smile and for the tears to stop.

I felt the warmth of your body on me as if you'd been giving me strength for years before I'd known you, the shape of your hand fit into mine perfectly because your fingers were made to fill the empty spaces in-between. Your sadness became mine and every victory of yours I celebrated as my own. I became every part of you as you did me. Though there was nothing I could do to make amends, I wanted to be there for every moment you found courage in yourself, and for every second you were able to breathe without the pain in your chest.

Day 65, the day I knew Saffron Walters was stronger than anyone believed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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