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Day 6
The day I couldn't play it cool around Saffron Walters.

The day after our very first date, it was back to our normal routine.

Have you ever been to see an action film in the cinema and it all seems so surreal and you get hyped from all the adrenaline and fast movements, but as soon as it's finished and you step back outside: everything seems to remain dull and your life as average as before?

Going on just one simple date with Saffron Walters was a little like that, as soon as it was over, I realised just how magical it was and wanting to relive the moment as many times over as it was possible.

I so desperately wanted to try and figure out why it was you enjoyed such a bitter coffee and what you ever saw in it, so I did the same thing I had done before. Grabbing the same coffee: no sugars, no milk, I made my way back over to you and your little hideout once again.

Shooting me another smile before a little chuckle at me with my small cup of coffee, I pulled up the same chair opposite you.

When I asked you what you were doing later that evening, you shook your head and grinned again. But when your glance reached back to me, you figured out that I was actually being serious.

You questioned me and asked why I was asking for another date so soon, you assumed I wasn't the type of guy that pursued the same girl for a long time anyway and you thought that you were just any other girl I may have dated.

You were right. About the first part.

I was never so keen on the same girl for so long, I'd perhaps date them once and move onto someone new, anyone who could temporarily keep me company and fulfil the space in my bed for a short time at least.

But you were wrong about the second part, you weren't just like any other girl that was just a ghost in my bed and you definitely weren't one that I would easily toss away.

I don't know what it was about you, but there was just something different. I never thought about having my way with you just like I would with any of the others... I just for some reason wanted to return for the smile and the satisfaction of knowing for a short period of time I was the one causing the smile.

So it was then that you questioned why I was so eager to meet again with you so soon. Truth be told, I had already made up my mind that I wanted to go on countless dates with you and show you all these amazing places that would knock the breath right out of your lungs, just the way you did to me the very first day I witnessed your presence.

And I guess that was it. There I was looking like some desperate loser, asking out the same girl he had just come back on a date with, sipping the weirdly bitter coffee just so he was able to understand her. And yet, there I was sitting stupidly while you sat thinking about what to say next.

At least you agreed, and it got me thinking about how you knew about what sort of guy I was. It was like you had me all figured already just from looking at my cover - but with you, it seemed as if I had to search through the whole library to glimpse into your story. Foolishly, I would easily sit through hours at a time just to find out the smallest detail about you.

Day 6, the day that I made myself an idiot in front of Saffron Walters just to ask for a second date - it was all worth it.

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