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Day 1
The day I first encountered Saffron Walters.

The first day that I ever saw your face and the first time that I had ever heard that name, yet it stuck in my mind for the many weeks after our first meeting.

I realised right from the start you were one of those girls who would rather curl up beside a window and read a novel than go out to some party that would leave only a faded, drunken memory.

It was the way that you strolled up to the café counter and ordered a plain, black, coffee: no sugars, no milk. Who does that?

But it was that moment where I just had to ask for your name, the girl with bizarrely bright, blue eyes and dark, brown hair that fell loosely to her lower back. Her effortlessly thrown on outfit, jeans - fitting perfectly at just the right places. A fresh, face lightly painted with a small amount of makeup and finished with mascara, emphasising those eyes even further.

Saffron Walters.

You wandered in with your brown satchel bag, hung loosely on your shoulder. After receiving your coffee from me, you found yourself a single table beside an open window during the midsummer season. You pulled out something and began intensely staring at the printed words on what I assumed was your favourite novel.

You must have been new around this city because just looking around you in this small, corner café: everyone else glued to their iPhone, their mac laptops, but you... somewhat mesmerised simply by printed letters, arranged into legible words.

Anyone could easily watch you for hours, the way you bite the hard skin of your thumb and formed a baffled expression by every turning point within the story, the way you hinted a smile and played with your hair at a points which entertained you. How you wouldn't even put down the book to drink from your very plain coffee, but instead your eyes fixated to the pages.

As quickly as you appeared, you were gone again. You had picked up your things and disappeared ahead with the rest of your day, leaving only small remainders of coffee residue at the bottom of your cup.

"Saffron Walters." She said with a smile, her red coated lips formed into a beautiful curve that could easily send anyone into an ecstasy.

SaffronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora