Welcome To Hell...

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Three years earlier...


The fire starts to grow rapidly moving towards where Jasmine lay knocked out i contemplated on dragging her with me but then bitch messed with my kids so i picked up her knife I cut my arm and hers spilling some of my blood into hers i know when they get here they'll thinks it's me i also gave her my necklace to seal the deal I quickly-well as quickly as my injured body could take me and I got out and jumped the fence landing on the grass as soon as the house went boom I army crawl to the door i weakly knock and a old guy in his fifties opens the door he gasps and quickly carries me to his couch....

Goodness child what happened... He asks and i point to next door he goes to check and he gasps again.... What happened?.... He asks and i groan... K-kidnapped a-and stabbed.... I tell him and he gasps AGAIN.... Do want me to call the cops.... He asks and i shake my head.... No please no.... I beg and he nods.... Okay I'll help you... He says and i nod ..................


Three weeks later and i was back on my feet the guy who's name i David Cameron is now a really good friend of mine he turned out to be a Commandant in the military and he got me to join only thing is he thinks my name is Skylar Evans right now we are flying out to the base so i can start my training I what I'm doing to my family is wrong but I'm doing this for them i need to get my life back on track....


Few hours later we arrive at the military base and i was already assigned to a room... Well what do we have here I'm private Kennedy, Amazon Kennedy... A girl next to me says, she is really pretty American with midnight black hair...

Amazon Kennedy

She is really pretty

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She is really pretty... Skylar Evans... I tell her while keeping on a blank face and she nods as I sit on their very uncomfortable bed but this is my life now...


This place is insane they wake you up at four in the freaking morning like bruh they cut my sleep short like what the actual fuq but i got to get used to it Mike and the kids no offence to them but they made me weak do yall know how many freaking times i was kidnapped like 'tf' but anyway what a girl got to do...

Six hours of pure torture I think I even broke a nail... Hey slick... A voice behind me says... Oh hey Amy... Amazon and i have gotten really close these past few days... Oh my holy hotness will you look at that piece of hunka hunka hotness... She says while fanning herself and I chuckle boys are not on my mind right now all I want is to go to war or wherever the hell they are taking us I look back at Amazon to see her still oogling the guys on the grass but the two guys who were leading them were gone i turn to walk away when i bump into something or rather someone i look up at the guy and he's at least 6'2 towering over my 5'3 I'm really short... Oops sorry didn't see you there... He says and I glare at him... Woah the little one is feisty... The other guy says and scowl at him.... I'm little y'all are just giants I may be small but i will kick  your ass so back of buster come on Amazon... I sneer dragging her with me as I roll my eyes at them.... Hey I wasn't done lookin'... She whines and I roll my eyes... Yes you was we have no time for boys... I tell her as i fix my trunk of clothes...

Tyler Carmichael

Tyler Carmichael

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Winslow Blake

I have a feeling that it wasn't the last time i see those two but whatever

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I have a feeling that it wasn't the last time i see those two but whatever...


Skip to three years later in Afghanistan...

Lieutenant Major Evans going home already... Private Blake asks as i close my suit case its been three years and i can honestly say military life is shit hard and the movies have nothing on the real thing but it was all worth it now i am Lieutenant Major Evans I can't believe that I bested all the new recruits like oh my gosh I'm awesome but whatever... Yeah and i told you when we're off you can call me Skylar are you and Tyler still coming with me... I ask and he nods as we walk to the awaiting car before we enter i salute those who came to see us off.......

So what do you think you're family will say when they see you.... Winslow asks as we get off the plane today is Ashton's birthday and i was planning on surprising them a week after I get a house... Well they will be surprised that's for sure... I tell him as we maneuver our way to the exit but a body bumps into me and I look at the face only to freeze when i see that its my baby Ashton he's so grown up but he can't recognise me because of my black aviators and the three years in military have changed me and if he is here than Mike probably here too i see him make his way past the crowd but before I could see where he went Winslow shakes my shoulders... Hey you okay the car is here... He says and i nod plastering on a fake smile....

Ashton Beaumont

But I can't dwell on that right now

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But I can't dwell on that right now...


That lady i bumped into earlier really looked familiar but it can't be she's been dead for over three years now but anyway before I could dwell further into my thoughts my dad calls me and i make my way over to where to they were sitting in the plane... Hey son what took you so long... He asks and i sigh heavily... Well the line in the cafe was really long then i bumped into this very familiar lady who has on a very cool uniform from the military then i couldn't find you guys where you were seated so yeah that's my story... I finish off with a dramatic sigh but really though she looked really familiar like REALLY REALLY familiar but I'll with that when I come back to Italy....

Yeah first chapter of the sequel even though I hate sequels but anyhow enjoy.....

Skylar out......

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