Just An Illusion...

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Sorry I took sooooo long to update but here it is. Just An Illusion.....

Theme song: chasing pavements by Adele...


It's been three weeks since i last saw that lady that looked like my mom but I haven't told dad yet I think he might flip his switch and start crying again her death really affected us but it was all that lady's fault I miss my mum so much I turned sixteen three weeks ago and she wasn't there to celebrate it with me and today is also the day we return home from Disney world it was the best birthday I love spending time with the family...... Ashton it's time to go... Dad calls knocking me out of my stupor... Okay I'm coming... I reply as I walk out of the bathroom like jeez it takes hours for me to look thus good... Okay i am done are you happy now... I ask sarcastically and he smirks... Very... He says with as much sarcasm as I used as i resist the urge to roll my eyes I still can't get the image of that lady out of my head like i can't shake this feeling off like I should know her or something but maybe I'm just looking too deep into this it was just an illusion.....


Seriously though I have been staring at thus damned phone for hours okay maybe it was just ten minutes but it felt so long... What are you-whoa it's just me... He says as I point my gun at him freaking idiot knows not sneak up on me... What do you want... I ask still pouting my gun at him.. First put the gun down.... He says still with his hands up... First tell me what you want then I'll decide whether to put it down or not... I tell him with a blank face and he sighs.... Okay but promise that you won't be mad... He says and i tilt my head to the left... Okay now it depends on whether I like what you gonna say or nah okay.... I tell him and he gulps loudly... Okay i might have told my parents that I'm dating a lieutenant.... He says and I point the gun to right between the eyes... You better not be saying what I think you saying or else I'll blow your brains out and you know i got good aim.... I state and he nods... And i might have told them and showed them a picture of you... He says and by now I am fuming does he know what this means... You freaking male organ do you know that you have practically revealed that I'm alive people know me i was a world known CEO before I "died" oh my gosh what do I do now this your fault fix it oh you make me so angry if i could I would turn you into a fruit fly that's how angry I am..... And with that said I stomped out i cannot believe the nerve of that guy.....


Was watching the news when they announced that the military people are back i don't know what they are called don't judge me and among those people I thought I saw Paris but maybe it's a mistake everyone still thinks I had a stroke or something jus because I stopped talking they should know the news of Paris's death struck me like a ton of bricks and I guess I went into depression or some sh*t but I just felt detached from my husband, my kids just my family in general I guess there is a first for everything then well here goes nothing.... Baby... I called out but he was so engrossed in watching the game while cradling Oliver I guess Emerald is sleeping... JORDAN... I yelled and his head snapped to me with his eyes wide and he carefully put Oli down walking to me.. Babe y-you just spoke.... He said while reaching for me and I nodded... I guess I did... I tell him and he gives off a teary laugh.... I sorry... I tell him and he frowns.... Don't be it was expected i mean you and Paris were really close... He says and nod... I think I saw her on TV... I state and he sighs... I think it was all just a terrible illusion babe... He says and I nod while sitting on the couch


Mr Beaumont are you even listening... Mr Moore asks as he stands in front of... Not really sir... I tell him honestly because I was lost in a dream called Levi Blake I mean he is gorgeous and Italian and I was thinking about that lady who oddly looked like my mom but anyway... Mr Beaumont three hours detention after school... He booms and i sigh heavily it's my fault that boy is a dream boat....

So how was AP Chemistry... My friend December asks as we walk to the cafeteria and before anything else I would like to make it clear that December is a guy..... It was going good until I zoned off and got detention after school... I tell him and he nods honestly I am a straight A student that's why I take AP Chem instead of regular Chemistry like December don't get me wrong he ain't dumb or anything he just doesn't like school but who does after a few minutes we are in front of the line and i picked chicken salad with a side of fries and a lemonade and December picked a pizza and a coke.... I swear you are the only person I know who eats Fries with a salad.... He says and i shrug... I'm just special I guess.. I tell him and he just shakes his head... Hey guys... We hear a voice say and we turn our heads to see Levi and the football team coming to sit with us and i just started choking on the fry i just stuffed in my mouth... Whoa are you okay Ash... Levi asks while patting my back and handing me a bottle of water when I finished my coughing fit i realised that he gave me his bottle and I try to wrap my head around the fact that he doesn't mind...I'm just peachy... I tell him and he nods while Jamie just laughed but it was cut off as soon as Angelo put his arm at the back of his chair, well let me give you a proper intro I am Ashton Beaumont I am 16 and I am amazingly gay but I'm sure you already know who I am but anyway my best friend December Winston is also the same age as me and he is also gay at first I thought we would end up together but we just ended up best friends he is just too girly for me he wears nail polish and everything it looks good on him but I digress any who my all time boy crush is Levi Blake he is 17 and he is SO gorgeous I mean unbelievably and then there is his best friend Angelo Perry who is also 17 and who is December's I can totally tell that he likes Jamie but that's none of my business... Ash are okay babe you kinda spaced out there... December asks and i just nod my head and i lift a brow in interest when i see Levi glaring at December and Angelo glaring at me like what the hell is going on anyway... I'm good... Just as i said this the bell rang and i grabbed my bag and I felt an arm going around my shoulder when I looked left i realised that it was Levi's arm and i kept taking calming deep breaths as we walked down the halls and some girls were looking at with envy and some were giving me death glares when we reached the class I went to my usual seat at the back and to my surprise he followed me and sat next to me... Don't you sit with your posy... I ask him but he just smirks and I darn nearly just died right there... I do but I'd rather sit with you... He says and before I could say something the teacher starts talking


About five hours later I was leaving the detention class that was so boring i cry any whore since I missed the bus i have to walk home and let me tell he is really far from school like it's two hours if you drive but more when you walk almost five depending on your speed... I was starting my journey home when a car stopped next to this is it I'm going to be kidnapped like mama and I was formulating a plan of escape when the window rolled down revealing Levi who was wearing black aviators and hot damn he looked good enough to eat... Need a ride?... He asks and i contemplate before nodding I wasn't about waste five hours of my life walking that distance so I got in the passenger seat... So how you been.. He asks and I looked at him with cocked brow... Seriously... I asks him and he shrugs... I have been good besides the l that I lost my mom at age 13 I'm good.. I tell him and he nods.. Yeah i heard are you holding up okay... He asks and i laugh humorlessly of course he knows everybody does it was all over the news that the young Billionaire CEO lawyer Paris Beaumont died in a house fire but I still can't get the that that, that soldier lady looked a lot like her but maybe I'm just going through with drawl I'm mean it was probably just an illusion....

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