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Soooooo yeah.......

Winslow's POV.....

Jeez finally i have my own damn POV it's a long time commin' 😏......jk it's been like a few days 😒.....but anyway i have landed...😁....man I'm sooooo bored like it's totally noticeable 😣....anyway I'm Winslow Blake and I'm totally smexy like dayum son ...I'm in the army and I'm a First Sargent anyway ever since i laid eye's on one miss Skaylar Evans at the base on the first day i knew she was the one for me i mean i also deserve a second chance at love because after Claudia passed on i thought i would never love again and to top it all off because i was 19 and i was still in university and i was grieving i had to give my son Legend away......

Yeah i named him Legend because I knew he would do great things and my parents were very understanding of the fact that i couldn't keep him and they had informed me that he was adopted by a very carong family though they wouldn't tell me who that family was but it's whatever......

Are you done day dreaming?.....Skylar asks knocking me out of my stupor as she pours herself a cup of coffee ....

Uh yeah i guess i am and by the way whay are you dressed already  it's like seven in the morning....i asks and she shrugs....well by this time at the base i would have been running laps with some new recruits.....she tells me and i nod in understanding because I would have been doing the same......


A few hours later it was time to go meet Skylars family and she was very calm well military life does that to you anyway when we exit the car she puts on her black aviators while straightening her uniform as my mom knocks and the door is opened by Nona and she beams at us...

Hey Mary and Winslow.....she greets oblivious to the fact that her supposedly dead granddaughter is standing right in front of her....

oh hello and who might you be....she says to Skylar ...Alejandra that is why we are here....my mum says as we enter the foyer .....


Well all in all it was a big tears fest and that was the first time that i have ever seen Skylar cry but it's whatever anyway right now I am heading into their prestine en-suit to take a shower because Mrs Beaumont or Megan as she insisted that dhe be called that insisted that we stay the night which brings us to the here and now...

Hey you...Skylar says entering right as i pull on my sweat pants....

Hey there i thought you would be asleep by now....I tell her and she nods while sitying on my bed....Yeah i thought so too but i can't so here i am and practically everyone is asleep except for us....she says and I just shrug....

So what do you want to do?....I ask her and she thinks for a second before taking mu hand and dragging me somewhere....Where are we going?....I ask her after a few minutes of being dragged by her....You'll see....she answered simply and i just groan at that......


Well we ended up watching a movie then we fell asleep on the seats only to wake up at six this morning to run some laps because we are still adjusting to the time change but anyway currently I am laying on the grass trying to catch my breath but what i don't understand is why Skylar isn't as tired as me because we just ran 10 laps around her whole estate and this place is friggin huge like what what the freaken hell....there is something wrong with you..... I tell her breathlessly as she stands there chighing a bottle of water and she lools down at me while frowning.... why d9 you say that?.... ahe asks ans I shrug.... well firstly because we just ran 10 laps around this whole estate and you're just standing there like it was nothing .... I tell her and she shrugs.... that's not true because I am tired but not like you because unlike you I didn't eat a whole jar of cookies all day yesterday.... she says to me while walking to the door as I slowly follow after her... whatever😒....I grumble and she laughs.... hey guys how was the run?.... Megan asks while walking into the kitchen....it was torture and I feel like I'm dying.....I said while reaching for a bottle of water and Skylar rolls her eyes....ugh! shut up you big baby it wasn't that bad....she says and glare at her while walkong out because I just can't with her right now....hey dude what's up....Jordan greets while coming into the lounge and sitting on the L-shaped seat....nothing man sup'with you...
I ask and he shrugs....nothing much I'm living life you know.....he says and I nod while turning back to the football game that I am currently watching....so how long have you known Paris?....he asks and I furrow my brows.....who?.... I ask and his moith forms an 'o'.... I mean Skylar....he says and i nod in understanding because I would have never known who the hell he was talking about ..... ohhhhh about three years now ...I tell him and he nods and the silence soon returns....hey Jordan are you ready to go--oh you're here too.....Mike says blankly and i raise a brow because he has been so cold to me and I don't even know what I did to him.....Yep I'm here too sup'...... I say holding up a peace sign and he rolls his eyes at that making me smirk.....yeah come on let's be off see ya mate....Jordan says and I nod stifly with a smile because I like Jordan he and I could be the best of friends mainly because he doesn't give me the cold shoulder ....hey slick wanna go to the mall.....Skylar says while coming into the lounge and standing infront of me....yeah sure let me just go and shower.....I tell her while jogging up the stairs......


Three boring hours later and we were finally sitting down at subway because I am starving ....hey great minds think alike....Jordan says while walking up to our table with Mike in tow....yeah I guess you could say that Danny....I say he grins at the name while Mike raises a brow .....Danny?...he asks and i nod while grinning.....yeah Mike besides I like it....Jordan says and we high five making Skylar laugh but Mike just loom at us blankly.....damn Mike what is wrong with you?....I ask and he shrugs....I don't know maybe I just. don't. like. you......he says and I just shrug.....why I didn't do anything to you?.....I ask and he shrugs then he just walks away and I sigh waving him off.....well that was something....Skylar says while biting into her chicken-sub with her fries ....yeah it sure was....i say quietly as i grab my stake-sub....as i contemplate if my love fir this woman is enough.......

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