Thirty Four

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Camila: guys I have something to tell you

Lauren: Well, we have something to tell you

Normani: are y'all pregnant?

Ally: Mani honey there's a higher chance of Dinah getting with you than Mila having hetero sex

Dinah: anything can happen smallz

Normani: apart from you getting with me

Dinah: we'll see ;)

Camila: do you guys wanna know the news or not?

Ally: sure mila, what is it?

Camila: do you wanna do the honors Lauren?

Lauren: sure baby

Normani: Baby???


Camila: surprise!

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Camila: surprise!

Normani: what

Ally: The

Dinah: I'm gonna say fuck even tho I already knew

Normani: bitch you knew???

Dinah: I walked in on these sneaky lesbos going at it, I had to run home and flush my eyeballs out with bleach

Lauren: you loved it shut up

Ally: But Dinah you told us you thought there was nothing going on between them???

Dinah: they blackmailed me to keep quiet, they said they'd force me into a threesome

Camila: in your literal dreams cheechee 

Dinah: honey there's only one person in this gc that i wanna frackle with and lauren and you aren't that person

Ally: sorry you're not my type 

Dinah: well good thing it ain't you i'm talking about smallz

Normani: Ally speaks for me too <3

Dinah: whatever, y'all wouldn't know a fine piece of ass if it smacked you in the face

Dinah: apart from Camren, those bitches got good taste

Camila: amen to that!! my baby is fineeeeeee as fuck

Camila: and it feels so fucking good to be able to tell people that

Lauren: awwww omg baby I love you

Camila: I love you too princess <3

Ally: Oh god this is gonna get annoying super fast I can feel it

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