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ages have changed in this story 


Jaebum sat in the usual practice room, this time with one of his band members.

"Hey, we have another offer.",  a voice said, making him turn to the voice.

Min Yoongi, a twenty-six year old rapper known for his charming voice and Cheshire cat-like smile. He currently had his phone in his left hand as he spoke. 

"Some guy's holding a party for his best friend's birthday, and they want us to play.", he continued. 

"Well, if we get this song right, we'll go.", Jaebum said. Yoongi raised his brows in agreement, setting his phone down to practice his lines once again. 


Youngjae groaned in frustration, wanting to pull his hair out. The mad dog had once again, given him more work that had to be finished in a short amount of time. He had just finished what was assigned to him, but his work wasn't done yet. 

"Youngjae, the mad dog wants to see you.", the same young male from the day before, called through the intercom. Youngjae instantly tidied up the pieces of paper scattered across his desk.

The halls suddenly became silent and all that could be heard were loud footsteps getting closer to Youngjae's small office. The man opened his door, not bothering to knock first. Not that he needed to anyway -- he owned the place. 

"Youngjae-ah.", he spoke sternly. 

Park Jinyoung, a twenty-five year old advertisement CEO also known as the mad dog. He shut the door behind him and sat on the chair in front of Youngjae's desk. In his hands were two sheets of paper.

"How's your work coming along?", the elder asked. Youngjae pursed his lips into a thin line. 

"It's alright -- I've finished the letter and article from last night.", he said proudly. Jinyoung nodded in amusement. He winced before handed the papers to Youngjae. 

"I've more work for you.", he said. Youngjae mentally cursed, resisting the urge to smack Jinyoung in the face for piling up more crap on him. 

He only nodded in response, before the elder walked out of the room. Youngjae sighed loudly, throwing his head back. He tried his best not to cry and blinked his eyes repeatedly before getting back to work. 


It's been a few hours since, and Yoongi currently sat in the practice room as he went through his lines for the hundredth time that day. Jaebum twirled his keys around his index finger, whistling a tune as he approached the elder. 

"I'm heading out. Come with?", he asked. Yoongi shook his head. 

"Nah, I still needa work on a few things. Plus I don't wanna meet some sassy kid at the bar.", he teased, talking about Youngjae since Jaebum had explained to him what had happened. Jaebum chuckled in response, mimicking a kicking motion before proceeding out the building. 

He made his way to the same bar from the night before. Some part of him didn't want to see Youngjae again, because he'd thought he was too much. However, he also somewhat wished to bump into him to hopefully apologize for the previous night's events. 


Once Youngjae had finally finished the more urgent assignments, he glanced at the clock and noticed it was almost ten. He was the only one left in the building, everyone else had already left hours before. 

He cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms before gathering his belongings to head out. He desperately needed a break from work. He decided to head someplace to clear his mind and what better place than the one he had his drink spilled on?

Upon entering, he noticed a free seat by the same bartender who had actually remembered Youngjae. This time, he offered a much less intense drink and even said it was on the house. 

Youngjae gulped his drink down slowly, closing his eyes as he placed it down. He then felt a weird sensation, as if eyes were on him. Sure enough, a pair were and they happened to belong to the infamous Im Jaebum who had coincidentally sat next to him. 

He turned his head slowly to face the elder who held a small smile on his face. Youngjae pursed his lips, not knowing what to say at first. He cleared his throat and gulped quietly. 

"May I help you?", he asked softly. Jaebum was shocked that he hadn't recognized him, but shook his head nonetheless. 

After a while of silence, Jaebum finally decided to confront the younger. "I'm sorry -- I don't believe you don't recognize me."

Youngjae furrowed his brows, staring Jaebum down until he finally remembered. His eyes widened and his mouth held agape.

"Oh my gosh, you're the--"

"The jerk who yanked your drink away? Yes, that's me.", Jaebum said chuckling. Youngjae laughed softly, frowning a little. 

"Now that I remember, I'm sorry I yelled at you.", Youngjae said. Jaebum shook his head. 

"Don't be. You just had a bad day -- we all have them.", he reassured. 


sorry this chapter sucks but next chapter will be a little more exciting 

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