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Today was a Saturday and Youngjae was extremely glad that he didn't have to work. However, he was also extremely bored, not having anything to do. He didn't wake up until the late afternoon and spent the next few hours, eating and re-watching the episodes of W. 

By the time it was half past seven, Youngjae was still sprawled across his couch. He thought of ways to make the day more interesting so he searched up fun DIY's online. Most being recipes. 

When a certain drink showed up in the recommended, Youngjae instantly thought of the bar he'd gone to. Then he thought of the young male he'd encountered. Feeling bored and a tad bit lonely, he decided to head back to the same bar. He got dressed in casual clothes, nothing like his attire for work and proceeded to his car.

Some part of him wanted to see the other male, again. Some part of him hoped he would be there. 


Lucky for Youngjae, Jaebum was there. As always, he sat by the bartender's booth with a basic drink in front of him, currently texting Jooheon about their gig. 

Once Youngjae got to the said place, he excitedly made his way in. He peered over heads for a certain male as he walked passed tables. When he spotted the back of his head, a small grin crept upon his face. 

Making his way over, he lightly tapped him on the shoulder, making the elder turn to face him. 

"Oh, hey.", Jaebum said as his eyebrows lifted slightly. He sounded a little surprised but happy nonetheless. Youngjae smiled in response, fiddling with his fingers before taking a seat next to Jaebum. 

"I didn't think you'd be here.", Youngjae stated. 

"After our encounter last time? 'course I'd be here.", Jaebum said, a little cockily. He lifted his hand to the air, signalling for the bartender to come over and take Youngjae's order.

"So...Anything new with you?", Jaebum asked the younger once he was finished speaking to the bartender. 

"Not really, no. I'm just glad to be away from work."

"You? How's your -- band.", Youngjae said, hesitating to say the last word. Jaebum noticed the slight change in his tone but decided not to say anything about it. 

"Well I was just speaking to one of my band mates. Our gig's coming up soon, so we're practicing as much as we can.", Jaebum picked up his glass and brought it to his lips.

Youngjae furrowed his brows in confusion. "Well, why are you here and not there rehearsing?", he teased. 

The elder set the glass down, shrugging his shoulders. "It's just nice to take a break, plus I don't need to practice.", he said, sounding smug once again. Youngjae scoffed in disbelief but chuckled anyway. 

Truth be told, Jaebum also somewhat hoped Youngjae would be at the bar. It had been almost a week since the last time he saw him and since then, he'd been waiting at the bar for him to show up. He just got lucky that he did this time. 

"Besides, why are you so concerned about my band?", Jaebum asked. 

The younger shifted in his seat, his eyes wandering the room as he tried to think of an answer. "Well you always mention them whenever we speak, so I figured they must be important to you."

"Oh they are.", was all Jaebum said. He paused for a second, thinking of how it would go if Youngjae met the rest of the boys. He wanted to get to know him more -- outside of just a stuffy building filled with drinks and angry customers. Although, Jaebum won't deny that he enjoys this atmosphere at times. 

"D-Do you...", he started, gaining Youngjae's attention once again. 

"Do you...Maybe wanna...Meet them?", he asked, tilting his head as he looked the younger in the eye. Youngjae was a little iffy about the idea once he heard it. It seemed to him that Jaebum was wild on his own -- imagine how the others would be like. 

However, he didn't want to be rude. Plus, he also wanted to know more about the elder because he'd never met anyone with the same carefree personality. It scared him a little, but a small introduction wouldn't hurt, would it? Just small talk in a cafe, and he'll get going soon.

"Uh sure."


It was definitely not small talk. 

As soon as the two entered the practice room, they were welcomed with loud thumps, loud music and what seemed like yelling. Youngjae started to regret his decision while his pulse went up rapidly. 

He saw two figures running around, possibly chasing one another and another male blasting music from the speakers next to him. Jaebum set his keys and coat on a rack before clapping his hands together, gaining attention from the others. 

Yoongi, who was the one playing his music, turned it off completely. The other two stopped running. Youngjae suddenly felt very small in a room filled with so much ruckus and commotion. 

"Uh, this is Youngjae.", Jaebum said, casually. 

"We met at the bar." The said male just smiled and bowed towards his elders. 

Judging by the way Youngjae stands, feet together, straight posture, and chin up high, the other three males guessed that he wasn't one for horseplay. That he was possibly one of those proper business men who shut down anything bootleg. 

However, they just nodded back to him and said a couple 'nice to meet you's', here and there. 

"He wanted to hear us play.", Jaebum said as he made his way towards the rest of them. Youngjae didn't remember saying those exact words but he nodded nonetheless. 

As the group set up, he took a seat on the small sofa pressed against the wall. He was immediately taken back by the loud strum Kihyun rolled on his guitar, making him flinch uncomfortably in his seat. 

I'm in for it now, aren't I? 


pls check out the next chapter 

there's an 'announcement' 

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