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It had been almost two years since Jaebum and the boys left Seoul. 

They left on a Thursday afternoon, their bags packed and passports in hand. He still remembers the worry Kihyun had over his guitar as airport management handled it. He was the last to board the plane, constantly looking over his shoulder expecting someone to show up. Only he never did. 

He sat on his seat, which was fought over by the others because it was next to the window. However, they finally decided to split into two with him sitting next to Jooheon who at the time, was still afraid of airplanes. On the way to New Jersey, Jaebum tried to put himself to sleep but constantly found himself looking out the window, and pondering if he did the right thing. 

Will you still be here when I come back? That's if I come back. 

The ceiling was covered in dots and ridges, both of which annoyed Youngjae. He laid on his back, eyes scanning the patterns above him but paid no attention to how they were constructed. 

The clock read 1:40 pm, a half hour before the plane would leave. Should I go? Would he even stay behind if I asked him to? 

It would have been an embarrassment if he ran to the airport and begged the elder to stay, only to have him refuse and to leave. So he decided to spare the humiliation, and let him go. 

"Kihyun, do that one more time and I'll--", Yoongi started but was interrupted by the said male who threw another piece of popcorn chicken at him. He turned and charged towards him, not before giving him a deathly glare. 

As the two chased each other around, Jooheon and Jaebum sat by the computer, scrolling through the band site which their new manager, Elliott put up. 

"Uh...let's see.", sighed Jooheon, as he read the comments. 

"Listen to this, 'Senses was such a powerful and emotional song. It really represents how we all sometimes battle with ourselves and our emotions, as well as decision making, and leaves all of us wondering if there are any we've made that we now regret.' This comment got like three hundred likes."

"Wow, that's deep.", Jaebum said as he squinted his eyes to read more. 

"Maybe we can produce more songs like 'Senses' if they like it so much. ", he continued. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door followed by the entrance of a tall brunette male, also known as Elliott. By this time, Kihyun and Yoongi were done messing around and asked the man to have a seat. 

"I've a new project for you guys.", he said in a sing-songy voice, enticing the band. 

"The writing crew says they actually wanna do stuff since you've been writing your own music for a while now. So here's a new song they're working on, which they've already titled.", Elliott said as he passed around sheets of paper to each member. 

Jaebum brought the first sheet to his face. 

"Younger", it said but the man read it as "Youngjae." 

He blinked vigorously a few times, rereading it once more. Younger, Younger, Youngjae. 

"What's this supposed to mean?", he asked, slightly annoyed. 

"Well, the lyrics suggest looking back on your younger days and the choices you've made -- things you've done...", Elliott went on but JB couldn't help but think back to the comment Jooheon read to him. About the fan who liked their song about reminiscing, regret, and decision making. 

He suddenly thought of Youngjae, whom he taught himself to stop thinking about a long time ago. He remembered the sleepless nights, the oppression he placed on himself, and of course the regret. He looked around the lounge for the calendar they kept.

Getting up, he read the date, blocking out all sounds around him. September 15, it read. Two days before Youngjae's birthday. Was this why he was given all these signs? 

"Be quiet, you'll spoil the surprise.", Jinyoung whisper-shouted to a younger employee as they hid behind Youngjae's office door. He had already scolded someone for almost dropping the cake and certainly did not need anyone else tap dancing on his nerves. 

When they heard the doorknob rattle, they immediately crouched below desks and chairs. Youngjae swung the door open, turned the lights on and yelped when everyone yelled "surprise" in unison. 

"W-What's all this?", he chuckled as they all approached him. 

"Well, you're off tomorrow since it's your birthday so we thought we could celebrate with you, today.", Jinyoung said. The two had become better friends and Youngjae no longer felt the need to be cautious around the elder. 

He and his co-workers spent the rest of the afternoon together, not worrying about work or anything else for that matter. However, Youngjae couldn't help but feel saddened as it was the second birthday he had spent after Jaebum's departure. 

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