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"So that gig you were talking about...", Youngjae started. It had been a couple weeks that the two men would meet up at the bar. They'd sit and talk with drinks in the hand. Sometimes they didn't even bother ordering anything.

"When is it?"

"In a few days. Jooheon just texted me about a change in time.", Jaebum responded. Youngjae only nodded, turning his head away from the older male.

"Why? You wanna come?", Jaebum asked with a slight smile, catching Youngjae off guard.

"Uh, n-no I was just asking." He wasn't lying. Heck, if he was completely honest he didn't even like the type of music Jaebum and his band played. So he quickly denied what the elder was suggesting.

"You sure? I mean, this place isn't gonna be as bad as the last one I took you to.", Jaebum said which made Youngjae think back to the night the older male took him out to the gross, sweaty club.

Maybe he could go this once -- give him another chance. Plus it won't just be them, the other bandmates would be there.

"Hmm...I'll think about it."


Well he did think about it and he ended up agreeing to go. The band had already been packing up their gear in the trunk of Kihyun's dad's van, as Jaebum just ended his call with Youngjae.

They would be picking him up and making their way to the long awaited bootleg performance.

Once Youngjae had gotten in the car and they were off, he felt a slightly foreign feeling when he realized what he was doing.
He was sitting in a van full of adult men who played (what he called) noise for a living, and they were off to someone's house whom he'd never met.

However, the feeling wasn't bad. It made him feel like somewhat of a rebel, going against the mad dog's expectations and putting his walls down.


"You said this wouldn't be as bad!", Youngjae yelled at Jaebum through the loud music playing from the amp that was connected to an mp3.

"Yea, no sweaty bodies at least!", the elder yelled back, chuckling and pointing to the crowd of people who just drank and chatted with whomever they were with.

"We're up in a bit so grab something to drink while you're waiting.", Jaebum said when they had finally reached the backyard which was a little quieter.

He walked behind the mini platform prepared for them, leaving Youngjae to wander about. At first he felt uncomfortable being surrounded by people he didn't know. Until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, do you know the band playing tonight?", a girl asked him once he had faced her. She had long pastel pink hair and one of her eyes were a little smaller than the other.

"Uh yea, they're my uh friends.", Youngjae said, not knowing why he hesitated.

"Oh cool! I'm excited to hear them -- I heard they're good!", she smiled which made Youngjae feel a little more comfortable. He liked people who smiled.

"Uh, Youngjae.", he said as he offered his hand for a handshake.

"Jiwoo!", she cheered. Just then the music died down which would indicate the start of the group's performance.


They played three songs that night. Two of their own, and a cover of The Death of a Bachelor. Jiwoo, next to Youngjae, was jumping almost spilling her drink on him.

"Thanks everyone, and again happiest birthday, Nathan!", Yoongi said as they finished up. Jiwoo had already saved goodbye to Youngjae who at this point was feeling more comfortable around other people. He actually found himself swaying to the music.

He walked behind the platform to find Jooheon and Jaebum wiping their foreheads with towels.

"Hey.", he smiled at them.

"Did ya like it?", Jooheon asked, hope in his eyes.

Youngjae would be lying if he said no so of course he nodded. He noticed the eldest of them three was practically bathing in sweat. He grabbed Jaebum's towel and started to wipe his skin for him, making the older freeze for a bit.

This is so cliche, he thought. I kinda like it.

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