Chapter 4 - Lesson One

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[A/N] As always, thank you for reading! I really appreciate it!

화이팅! <3



I'm Kim Namjoon.' The boy says, as he makes a light bow. I quickly nod and do the same. 'Yeah, pleased to meet you.' I smile, hoping he's not one of those cocky guys that thinks he's better than everyone just because he has money (which would totally fit the image of this house), but he seems nice, offering me a chair at the dark wooden table. He takes the seat in front of me.

'My uncle told me you needed some help with your English class, I'd love to help you!' I simple nod again, suddenly feeling embarrassed by the fact that I need help. But it's not a surprise that I need help though, I fail in most subjects in life.

He probably sees my awkwardness, as he starts talking when I don't say something.

'So, let's just start things of easy. Tell me a bit about yourself. I'd love to get to know you.' He seems genuinely interested, and not just like one of those teachers who asks this just to be polite. But still, it's a dreaded question, because what is there to tell about myself. I'm just Jungkook, there's nothing special about me. And starting this lesson with 'Hi, I'm Jungkook, socially awkward, hopelessly low self esteem and not worth your time' probably isn't the best way for me to get his help for English class.

'Well... Eeeh...'

Great start.

'I live with my mom in an apartment just a couple of blocks away. I like drawing and reading, and I love to listen to music and play video games,' I mumble shyly.

Well that must have sounded so boring.

But Namjoon doesn't looked bored at all, in contrary, his eyes seemed to glow up when I said that I liked reading.

'Oh, I love reading too! As you could probably tell from my collection,' he says with a faint smile, whilst addressing the book cases in the room.

My eyes become big. 'This is all yours? That's so impressive! Have you read all of them?'
I couldn't imagine how much time must have been put in collection all of these, let alone reading them.

'Well, I read about 2/3 of them, but I'm planning to read all of them and widen my horizon on all kinds of subjects and matters,' he replies with a proud smile. 'But, my problem is that I keep buying books, so it's a never ending project.'

I nod in understanding and amazement, but at the same time... thinking about how much time I spend playing Overwatch, I can understand that it truly is possible to read that many books.

'So what kind of books do you like?' He asks me, trying to keep the conversation going whilst I stare at the books around me.

I also don't think it's the right time to mention that I mostly read comic books, especially after he just told me that he reads book that 'widen his horizon on all kinds of subjects and matters'. Comic books usually don't really fit that category.

'Eeh, mostly fantasy.' Well it's not a total lie.

'Aah yes those are great, losing yourself in a world far away from yours. I can understand you like them.' He smiles again and I get more and more at easy. He seems genuine and caring.

'So, enough chit chatting, we need to get you prepared for your next test! When is that and what's it about?' He takes a notepad that was lying on the desk and starts scribbling down some dates and subjects that I tell him about.

'Okay, so we only got one week to prepare you for your next test? That's okay, we'll get you prepared in no time I'm sure, right?' He holds up his hand, and I get what's he's trying to do.

'Right!' I say with confidence, and I high five him. I truly feel motivated and have the thrust in him that he can genuinely help me.


'The Bildungsroman is a novel dealing with one person's formative years or spiritual education.' I recite.

'And an example of this is...?' Namjoon asks.

'Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë in 1847.' I say after some hesitation.

'Amazing! Good job! You're gonna rock this test!' He gives me a final high five, and I pack my bag.

The last couple of hours have been intense, but eventually I got down the different sub-genres of writing. He really helped me by having me concentrate more than my usual five minutes and having me recite the different writers and dates out loud, so that 'my brain uses different parts, which is better for memorization' as Namjoon told me. And it works great, at least for now, but I'm still afraid that when he asks me next time, that I'll have forgotten everything. But for now I'm just happy that I got to remember something, and that Namjoon truly is a nice guy and not the snob of which I was afraid of.

I even got to learn some things about him. He lives here with his parents (even though they're barely home because his dad has to go on business trips all the time, and his mom does voluntary work that often has her stay overnight at places), his adopted brother and the maid Ms. Rhee, who takes care of the boys when their parents aren't there. He loves to read and is really passionate about the things he thinks are important in life. He also is a really smart, knowing everything I ask about.

'I'll have to get going now, my mom will be worried if I don't return before eleven,' I tell him. 'Thank you again so much for everything, I really appreciate it!' I bow to him as I thank him.

'You're welcome, I love that I'm to some help to you! Will I see you next Friday?' Namjoon asks.

'Sure hyung, see you then!' I wave him goodbye as I step though the door and walk into the gigantic hall.

In the distance I hear footsteps, but I can't see anyone. Must have been Ms. Rhee. Never knew she could walk that quickly.


A/N] If you made is this far, wow I'm impressed... I'm already cringing at the thought of people actually reading this story, but thanks anyway! ':)

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