The Rules

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I'm asking this as the creator of this roleplay, please abide by the rules. If you do not, you will be kicked and thefore gone. Thanks for listening.


1. No hate.
I've seen enough hate before. I don't need to see more. No one deserves it. One thing you can hate is a CHARACTER. Not a user, a character.

2. Please don't be a god.
It's no fun when no one can defeat you. Others will resent you for it and it's not fun for me either. I have experienced this and it ain't pretty. So basically don't be a dick.

3. You can splat others as long as it makes sense.
You can't kill someone from across the map. As long as you have a weapon that let's you do that, it's not possible. If your character gets splatted, don't worry as they will respawn.

4. Keep smut on minimum levels.
Trust me on this one. It ain't pretty. If you want some, go to Tumblr.

5. Keep your form in one comment.
It's much less of a hassle trying to make heads or tails of this. It will be easier for me and you.

6. Be social! You're not going to start RPing just by making your own comment! If you're introverted, sure, Ok, you're introverted, but at least put yourself in someone else's comment chain.

7. I will put new chapters on for a short period of time called Splatfests, Weapon Alerts and Inkopolis News Times.
Splatfests will be occurring to the ones in real life, and the description is like that as well. I'm sorry, but I will have to delete all comments every cycle as they are all kind of meaningless when the new Splatfest swaps over. Keep that in mind.
Weapon Alerts are weapons that are coming to the game and I usually put the time they are arriving, their subs and specials, and a brief overview one why that's beneficial to the kit.
Inkopolis News Times are articles on events that happen in real life, in accordance with the games, and they may happen consistently or irregularly.

Now enjoy yourself!

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