Ink Blot Art Academy

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This academy is well known for its 100% success rate, and most of the artists from here end up working in some form at Museum d'Alfonsino. Other artists that graduate from here end up working in show business, with one designing Off the Hook's clothes. Some end up being so good, they are brought back to teach the art of, well, art! Many give partial credit of their success to the cafeteria, that offers all you can eat salad. From the simple brushstrokes to the grand structures, I bet you couldn't find a more inspiring place. However, a few months back, there was a massive concert that took place, and a young girl started a mosh pit that destroyed many students' artwork. The two lakes on the sides of the academy are the source of many students inspiration. Some stare for hours, admiring its view. It's like something out of a movie. Interestingly, some say that the statues here giggle and glow during the night...

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