Ancho-V Games

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Ancho-V Games is a Jellyfish dominated games company and the industry that brought you the games you know, like Squid Jump, Squid Racers, Squid Ball and Squid Beatz, which are all favourites of Callie's! The Jellyfish also like to draw detailed art of the Inklings and Octolings, which is scattered around. Since they have made so much money here, the Jellyfish that work here have installed propeller lifts, just cause. They don't even have regular lifts! The developers often come to the centre of the arena to get 'inspired', which is just getting coffee and chocolate from the cafeteria, which is free for employees. There's free Tentacola all day everyday, plus the Crust Bucket lunches are free for them on Wednesday. This building is open to curious patrons who want to see the insides of the famous development crew who brought them amazing games. It is a private office, but security takes breaks often, so there was one time a worker was fired since they left a game in development open, and a media member saw and leaked it, due to the lack of security. Although, it was quite a few years ago...

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