Walleye Warehouse

304 6 33

This is the first careers the Squid Sisters ever landed. They made many connections in that area, and they still hope that their old colleagues are doing well. Sadly, most of them have been relieved as robots are now seen as more reliable and have more benefit. The Squid Sisters state that the best thing about here was quitting and the food. It's iconic for being one of the only workplaces to host Turf Wars. Although, the owner has been sceptical, as ink keeps staining the cargo, and is difficult to wash out as it absorbed in the materials. Workers usually have their shifts Monday through Sunday, 8 hours a day. Although, one time, every worker had a week off as a special employee managed to utterly destroy the conveyor belt. There is also quite terrible reception, and only cellphone that can get some here is Bisk's. They produce all different types of weapons and Squid Sister and Off the Hook merch here, so this place has profited a lot of money. Since Callie loves her nostalgia, she has kept her uniform for years, while Marie burnt hers the day she quit her job.

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