Octo Valley

120 5 45

Octo Valley is known for being the most abandoned location on the globe. No one resides here, and a little shack still remains, showing this used to be the area of early civilisation. Many weapons are also lying around, signifying that this city was capable of maximum weapon efficiency. However, a peculiar thing that scientists still don't understand is why you can trip over in some areas for no reason what so ever. And in those areas, you can also heard sounds coming out of the... ground? As well as that, several floating islands exist, and are all interconnected. ...Strange... There are ginormous tea kettles located in the middle of these islands. Wait, it's opening... WHAT IS THAT?! FORGET EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION I JUST GAVE YOU, JUS-
END OF TRANSMISSION _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

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