28. The Worst Second in Command

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They waited until nighttime (only alerted by the alarm going off on Khan's watch, since the sun and moon were distant dreams in the concrete grave) before picking their way to the stairs that lead to the door. Most everyone was asleep, except Mi and a few of the Forlorn who were either on duty or were just too high-strung to close their eyes. Adam nodded to each as he walked by them, and when he reached Mi he made sure to whisper a few words. Bo had no doubt it was about keeping an eye on Khan, who was currently still pouting at his exclusion from the venturing group. His only solace seemed to be Esme, who was also being left behind. He kept by her side, and Bo caught them whispering up a storm as the others climbed the stairs. She waved to them, but they were too busy being wrapped up in themselves to notice. Bo laughed to herself at the young love. At least there was happiness still in the world somewhere.

Helga opened the door and let in a breeze of cool night air. Bo closed her eyes, breathing it in deep. She had never missed the taste of grit and dust on her tongue until now. The bunker had been suffocating, and Bo thought she'd rather be stuck in a sandstorm than stay a minute more in the dank concrete tomb.

Their small group walked to the hanger and retrieved the airship from its place amongst the smugglers' vehicles. They had surprisingly been kind enough to refuel the ship, and as far as Bo could tell as she climbed on board, they hadn't stolen anything. Perhaps the smugglers weren't as much of human trash as she had originally thought.

Silver spent around fifteen minutes prepping the airship for launch, during which Adam took the opportunity to tell the smugglers' leader where they were going. Bo saw the annoyance flash across the leader's face, but once Adam pressed a valuable high-power pistol into the man's hand, he was more receptive to their plan. She saw the man nod at Adam and pocket the pistol. They'd basically bought their way out of the camp they had to buy their way into. Bo returned to thinking of them as human trash.

After a few more minutes, they were finally in the air and heading away from the smugglers' camp. The tents were so well camouflaged that Bo couldn't even see them after only one minute of flight. She was glad Silver knew the way back, because she wondered if she'd ever be able to find the place again if it was her navigating. Thankfully, she was free to forget the camp and wander around the deck with the wind in her hair. Adam eventually came to her side and held her hand as they leaned over a bannister and stared at the passing stars as the wind whipped in their ears. Helga slept behind them in a chair, a rifle wrapped in her arms. Bo nudged Adam's arm and jerked her chin at Helga, a smile on her lips. Adam glanced over his shoulder and shook his head.

"She's fierce even asleep," he said.

"Reminds me of me when I was that age," Bo said, raising her eyebrows. "The girl you knew back then would probably have had a rifle surgically added to her body if she thought she could."

"True. You were pretty prickly back then."

"Thanks," Bo said, flipping her hair over her shoulder proudly.

"I'm just worried that this life, always being on the run and fighting, is making her too hard," Adam said. "Her past is dark, and I wonder if she hasn't had enough time to fully heal-"

"Sh!" Bo interrupted.

Adam's eyebrows drew together and he placed his hands on his hips. "What are you doing?" he demanded.

"I said 'sh'!" Bo said, her voice a loud whisper. She shoved her hand over Adam's mouth, which made him splutter and shove her arms away. But she was already walking past him, her ears straining after the sound she had heard while Adam was speaking.

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