The Party

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Lunar's POV:
Today I start Tokyo High and I'm so excited because I have my best friends there with me. My friend Charo and I live together near the school. We usually walk to school and rarely ever take the bus. I have my license but I'm saving up for a car so I work at a Maid Cafe' down the street from our house.

Charo's POV:
'I can't believe this school has uniforms' I mentally say in my head as I get changed into the male school uniform. Once I'm ready I head down stairs to see Lunar making a quick breakfast for us before we head off to school early so SHE can help our school's host club set up a dance.

Lunar's POV:
I turn around to put the breakfast I made on the table and I saw Charo standing by the stairs. "Good morning Charo, are happy to see everyone again in the new school year? I heard we have a new first year student in the school and the headmaster wants us to show them around." (In irl sense me and Lunar are the same person I would never say that much xD) I said while putting the food on the table. "I'm happy to see everyone again but not to start a new school year and there is no way I'm being seen with a first year and finally good morning Lunar," Charo said and she sits down to eat. I giggle a bit and continue eating my food so I can clean up and head out to school early with Charo to help the host club set up a welcome back Tokyo High students and welcome to Tokyo High new students party in the ball room this weekend.

Time skip brought to you by a very lazy author who has a video to record

After we finish eating and I clean up we head out of the house. Once we got to the school I saw Dren outside of the school. "Charo can u head in the school and go to Music Room 3 and tell the host I will be in shortly and for them to start without me and to get u some cake pls?" I asked Charo while staring at Dren and him staring back at me. "Sure Lunar, no problem," Charo says and heads into the school. I walk over to Dren and say, "Good morning Dren." "Good morning Lunar. I'm guessing the host club also invited you to help work on the party," Dren says. "Of course I'm always up to help the host club with Parties and things," I say completely honest. "Well should we head in then Lunar?" Dren asks and holds out his hand. "Y-yeah we should head in the host Club is waiting," I say with a little blush on my face taking his hand. We walk into the school and head to Music Room 3. I walk in and I see of course Charo eating cake on a couch while the host club working on the party plans. I walk over to where the party plans are being held and see what's going on.

Another time skip brought to you but Charo eating more cake

At the end of the planning we all decide on do a casual theme.

Charo's POV:
Me and Lunar are walking to the first class of the day when we get stop by....

Sorry reader~chan I'm gonna leave you on a cliff hanger hope you enjoyed the first part to the story comment down below who u think stopped Lunar and Charo. I will see u all in the next part baiiiii <3

I only own Lunar and Angle and the plot. Other characters I made up as well but I use different animes to make the story interesting so all rights reserved to owners of the animes and me for the stories and very few character I made up. Also some characters are based of my friends as well.

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