The New Student

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Charo's POV:
Me and Lunar were walking to the first class of the day when we were stopped but a new student. "Hi my name is Olivia and I'm new to Tokyo High." The new girl who says her name is Olivia says to us. "Hi Olivia are you the first year student that we are suppose to show around?" Lunar asked the girl. "If your names are Charo and Lunar then yes u are," the girl replied happily. "Ughh I guess we should start the tour then shouldn't we," I say slightly annoyed.

Time skip brought to u by an annoyed author who has to download mods

Lunar's POV:
After the tour we brought Olivia to her first class of the day and got a note from the teacher saying 'Lunar and Charo were assigned to show around a first year student named Olivia' ~The headmaster. Once we received the note we walked to the first class of the day. Once we walked into class we handed the teacher the note and sat with Hikaru and Kauro and to my surprise I saw Kitty, Veronica and Kaida hanging out with the girls that bullied us last year.

So that's it for today's chapter reader~chan. Lunar and Charo met the new girl and Lunar saw 3 friends of her's with a group girls that use to bully them last year. Anyway new part tomorrow reader~chan baiiiii <3

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