The Project planing

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You can play the song anytime through out that story

Lunar's POV:
I finally reach Hikaru and Kauro's place. 'Much bigger than I remember from when I was a kid' I mentally say before I rang the door bell and the butler came. "Good evening Miss Lunar. I haven't seen u in a while, how have you been?" The butler asks. "I have been well Tyler thank and you don't have to call me Miss Lunar you can just call me Lunar or Lulu the nick name you gave me when I was younger," I say kindly. Tyler or Hikaru and Kauro's butler was the only person to know here that I use to cut after my parents divorced and my father married my step mother and moved me to Japan to start a new life. I miss my old friends back in New York but my life there was complicated and sense the groups I was in were to much my father took me to Japan and left my siblings with my mother. Tyler smiled at me and lead my inside and told me I can head to the music studio and that he will be there shortly with refreshments for us.

Time skip to when u are in the music room brought to you by the author hating her life

Lunar's POV:
I got to music studio and we decided to do Silent Scream by Anna Blue  for the music video. I'm on lead vocals, Charo on Piano, Hikaru on camera, Kauro on lighting and sound, and finally Kylie on background vocals. Once we got that all planned we were notified that I was wanted at the door.

Another time skip brought to you by Charo eating more cake and chocolate :3

Lunar's POV:
We all got to the door and we opened it and saw Kaneki there with Toka. I was confused until I saw Jason. "J-J-Jason?" I ask slightly scared. "Why hello there Lunar," Jason replied smirking. I backed away from the door slowly. 'This can't be real....I killed Jason myself....for hurting Kaneki.....' I mentally say with tears threatening to fall as I remember what happened
Flash Back (Lunar's POV): "KANEKI!!" I shouted struggling to get free from Jason's grip. "Looks like your little hero is down Lunar what are u gonna do now?" Jason asked while smirking and threw me to the ground full forced. I gasped in pain as I hit the ground. I had enough at that point and everything went dark. When I woke up Toka was shaking me while Heday was helping Kaneki into the ambulance. Toka explained everything to me and how Jason is now dead and we would never see him again.
Now in reality still Lunar's POV:
"So you are still scared from what happened Lunar," Jason says to me. "NO DUH!!!! YOU ALMOST KILLED KANEKI!!!!!" I shouted at him. "Heh...well I'm back down and there is no way you are getting away with almost killing me." With that he disappeared and Toka ran to me and hugged me as I collapsed to the ground crying in her arms. Then Kaneki came over and took me in his arms which made Hikaru jealous. "So what now Lulu?" Tyler asked. "We make the music video and continue on with a normal life," replied and cling onto Kaneki still replaying what happened in my head. "Ok well lets go then," Hikaru say. We all head back to music studio to start recording the vocals and the piano.

That's it for today's chapter reader~chan. Sorry for posting late people kept me busy. I will try to post earlier tomorrow. Baiiii Reader~Chan <3

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